For the purpose of promoting co-ordination and effective super-
vision over the conduct of the State Government, the following shall
constitute an Advisory Council for the Governor. (Ch. 29, 1922.)
The State Comptroller:
Hon. William S. Gordy, Jr.......................................................Annapolis, Md.
The State Treasurer.
Hon. John M. Dennis.................................................................... Annapolis, Md.
The Attorney General:
Wm. P. Lane, Jr..................................................................................Hagerstown, Md.
The Chairman of the State Board of Education:
Dr. Henry M. Fitzhugh, Lexington Bldg........................Baltimore, Md.
The President of the State Board of Agriculture and of the Uni-
versity of Maryland:
Dr. Raymond A. Pearson..................................................College Park, Md.
The Director of Welfare;
Col. Stuart S. Janney, Union Trust Bldg....................Baltimore, Md.
The Director of Charities:
Samuel B. Shannahan, Union Trust Bldg.................Baltimore, Md.
The Director of Health:
Dr. Robert H. Riley, 2411 N. Charles St.......................Baltimore, Md.
The Director of Public Works:
G. Clinton Uhl, Federal Reserve Bank Building, Baltimore, Md.
The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles:
Col. B. Austin Baughman, Guilford Ave. and 21st St.,
Baltimore, Md.
The Police Commissioner of Baltimore City:
Gen. Charles D. Gaither, Police Bldg...........................Baltimore, Md.
The Conservation Commissioner:
Swepson Earle, Munsey Building...................................Baltimore, Md.
The Commissioner of State Employment and Registration:
Oliver C. Short, 22 Light Street..........................................Baltimore, Md.