The Bureau of Foods and Drugs controls the purity of foods and
drugs; inspects pharmacies, dairies, canneries, slaughter houses, mar-
kets and other places where foods are produced, sold, manufactured or
stored. It also enforces the pharmacy laws relating to the conduct of
drug stores and the narcotic and poison laws,
A. L. Sullivan, Chief, Baltimore, Md.
Robert L. Swain, Deputy Drug Commissioner, Baltimore, Md.
The Bureau of Personnel and Accounts does all departmental ac-
counting of both money and property, does most of the departmental
printing, purchases all supplies, materials and equipment for the De-
partment; directs the distribution of supplies and exercises general
supervision over the employees of the Department. The Chief of the
Bureau is recording secretary of the Executive Committee and of the
Board. He is the official property custodian and is responsible to the
Board for all property and supplies owned by the Department. The
Chief of this Bureau also assists the Director of Health in the estab-
lishment of full-time County Health Departments.
Mr. Walter N. Kirkman, Chief, Baltimore, Md.
The Bureau of Child Hygiene assists health officers and nurses in
their child health activities, organizes and supports health conferences
for mothers, infants and pre-school children in the Counties, sends the
results of examinations directly to the family doctor, offers to phy-
sicians consultations for sick children; assists physicians in securing
dental or other special services or hospital accommodation for indigent
children distributes information on child hygiene to county organiza-
tions, parent-teacher associations and others, through pamphlets, bulle-
tins, lectures, lantern slides and moving picture films. It also eon-
ducts in the Counties a course of demonstrations for midwives.
Dr. J. H. M. Knox, Jr., Chief, Baltimore, Md.
Maryland Deputy State and County Health Officers
County Name Post Office
*Allegany.........Dr. J. P. Franklin....Cumberland
*Anne Aruiidel.................Dr. C. F. Moriarty..........Annapolis
*Baltimore........Dr. J. S. Bowen........Towson
Dr. Wm. S. Keister, Assistant....Towson
*Calvert.......Dr. I. N. King......Prince Frederick
*Carroll ..................Dr. W. C. Stone.................................. Westminster
*Cecil.............Dr. C. A. Kane.................EIkton
Caroline....................Dr. D. O. George.....................................Denton
Charles.................................Dr. G. O. Monroe.................Waldorf
Dorchester..............Dr. G. E. Meekins................................Cambridge
•Frederick............................ Dr. E. C. Kefauver............................Frederick
Garrett .. ..Dr. H. W. McComas........................Oakland
*Harford..............................Dr. C. A. Callahan.............................Bel Air
Howard......................Dr. W. N. GassawavEllicott City
*Kent................................Dr. R. G. Beachley............................Chestertown
*Montgomery.......Dr. W. T. Pratt..................Rockville
•Prince George's............Dr. A. B. Hooton......Upper Marlboro
Queen Anne..............................................................................................................................
St. Mary's....................Dr. F. A. Camalier Leonardtovvn
*Talbot..............Dr. A. L. Oilar........Easton
*Washington..........Dr. W. Ross Cameron...Hagerstown
*Wicomico........Dr. Seth H. Hurdle..................Salisbury
*Worceater.......Dr. Bradford Massey................Pocomoke
*Dr, E. A. Jones..Cambridge, Caroline and Dorchester Counties.
*Dr. D. St. Clair Campbell..La Plata, St. Mary's and Charles Counties,
* Indicates full time men and they are known as Deputy State Health Officers;
the part time men are known as County Health Officers.