C. Page
Cabinet Appointments from Maryland .„ - 339
Calvert County, Appointed and Elected Officers 178
Caroline County..Appointed and Elected Officers - 179
Carroll County..Appointed and Elected Officers - 181
Cecil County..Appointed and Elected Officers 183
Census of Maryland 224
Central Purchasing Bureau .. „ ..... -- 13
Charter of Maryland... ........- -- 354
Charles County..Appointed and Elected Officers - 185
Chesapeake Bay Bridge Commission - 94
Chiropody Examiners' Board --........- - 73
Chiropractic Examiners' Board ..--.--- 70
Chronology .........- - 316
Circuit Courts .-- .......... - - - 106
Clerk..Court of Appeals (Sketch) ..... 266
Colored Girls, Md Training School for 93
Commissioners of Deeds .......----. - 87
Commissioner of Labor and Statistics....--- ... 64
Commissioner of Land Office -„..........- 5
Commissioner of Mental Hygiene -- ..... 43
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles .......--...- 50
Commissioners of Practical Plumbing .--- . 75
Comptrollers..1851.1931 334
Comptroller's Office -................ ...- - 7
Comptroller of Treasury (Sketch)-- .... 269
Congressional Representation and Districts . . 348
Congressmen from Maryland..1789-1931 - . .. 344
Constitution of Maryland - ... ...- 376
Constitutional Amendment - ...- 256
Constitutional Convention -... -„. 257
Continental Congress..Sessions 1774 1788 - . 340
Control of State Armories -„.....„ -. 37
Conservation Commissioner ...---- - -.. 52
Conservation Department ........... - 52
Coroners..Baltimore City „ - -. .s .- 124
(See under desired county.)
County Agricultural Agents -- „ .........-- .„ - 30
County Almshouse Commission 86
County Health Officers --- - ---- -... - 48
County Home Demonstration Agents ...--- 31
County Populations . .......... . - 224
County Seats.
(See under desired county.)
County Superintendents of Schools., ... -- --- 18
Court of Appeals of Maryland .......--- - - .. 105
Court Terms..County.
(See under desired county.)
Crownsville State Hospital for Negroes .......-- 42