Delegates, House of; returns of elections for Governor
to be made to - 2 3
Apportionment of 2 3-4-5
How elected; term of office...................................... 3 6-7
Qualifications of .............................................. 3 9
Ineligibility of Congressmen........................................... 3 10
lneligibility of ministers ......................................... 3 11
Ineligibilty of defaulters.................................................... 3 12
Delegates, vacancies ..................................................... 3 13
Compensation of -........................................................ 3 15
Disqualified to hold what offices.................................... 3 17
Nut liable for words spoken In debate.......................... 3 18
Powers of, House of, as grand inquest......................... 3 24
Denominations of religion ................................................... 36,38,39
Departments of government to be separate...................... 8 .....
Devise to religious bodies prohibited, when................... 38
Diminution of salaries of Judges forbidden..................... 4 24,31
Directors in railroads and canal companies................. 12 2
Disfranchisement tor illegal voting.................................... 1 3
Disfranchisement tor violating oath of office................... 1 7
Disqualification of churches, ministers, &c., from hold-
ing property .................................................... 38
Of convicts, lunatics, for voting................................ 1 2
For bribery ................................ 1 3
Of Senitors and Delegates.............................................. 3 10
Of Judges ......................................................... 4 3,7
Districts, legislative In Baltimore....................................- 3 2-4
Judicial........................................................................... 4 19
For Justice of the Peace.......................... 4 42
Divine Being, belief in ............................................ 38, 37-39
Divorces not to be granted by Legislature.................... 3 33
Duelists ineligible to office............................................... 3 41
Education .............................................................. 8 1-3
Legislature to provide for................................. 8 1
Elections to he free and frequent..................................... 7 ......
Disqualification of persons convicted of infamous
crimes ............................................ 1 2
New to he held on refusal to take oath........................... 1 7
Qualifications of voters, &c.- „................................... 1 1
Quadrennial elections........................................ 17 1-13
Bribery ............................................................... 1 3
Illegal voting ..................................................... 1 4
Purity of. Legislature to pass law to preserve....... 3 42
Contested, legislature to provide for....................... 3 47
Regulation of, by law............................................. 3 49
Elective franchise ...................................................... 1 1-2
Elisor ................................................................. 4 45
Eminent Domain ................................................ 3 40
Enactments, style of laws................................................... 3 29
Passage of bills................................................................... • 3 28
Equity rules, Court of Appeals to establish................... 4 18
Establishment of new government............................ 0 ........
Execution of laws not to be suspended......................- 9 ........
Of laws to be enforced by Governor................. 2 9
Exemption of property from.................................... 3 44
Executive department ......................................... 2 1-23
Executive powers of government held in trust................. 6 ......
To he distinct from legislative and Judicial........ 8 .......
Rotation of, in executive department..................... 34 ........
Power vested In Governor............................... 2 1
Exemption of property from execution..................... 3 44
Expenditures, for books, not to be made by General As-
sembly when ........................................... 3 16
House of Delegates to Inquire into............................. 3 24
Of public money, how authorized...... ...................... 3 35
Comptroller, Treasurer, duties of, relating to..........- 6 2-3
Ex post facto laws not to be made.................................. 17 ........
Expulsion of Senators or Delegates................................... 3 19
Facts, where to be tried............................................... 20 ........
Fees. not to be levied without consent of Legislature.... 14 ........
Not to be received by Judges....................................... 33 .........
Of Clerks and Registers of wills..................................- 3 45
Of State's Attorney ........................................... 5 9
Not to be received by Treasurer or Comptroller........ 6 1
Fees of Commissioner of Land Office............................ 7 4
Over three thousand dollars to be paid to Treas-
urer: exceptions 15 9
Females..(See Women).