The State Entomologist and State Pathologist are also required to
inspect all tree and plant nurseries in the State and issue certificates
of inspection to permit the distribution of such nursery stock.
All matters pertaining to orchard and nursery inspection as well as
cases of infestation or infection by injurious insects or plant diseases
attacking any crop in the State is taken care of so far as means will
permit by the members of this Department.
The State Entomologist has been designated the Inspector of
Apiaries and directed to conduct such inspection of Apiaries, and such
investigations and disseminate such information as may seem best to
promote the beekeeping industry in Maryland.
The officers of the Department are as follows;
Ernest N. Cory................................................................State Entomologist
C. E. Temple...................................................................State Pathologist
George S. Langford...........................................................Chief Inspector
Executive Officer:
Raymond A. Pearson, President University of Maryland.
Ex-officio Member:
Joseph S. Ames, President of Johns Hopkins University.
Members (terms expire 1933) :
Robert W. Williams.................................................................................Baltimore
John B. Ferguson...........................Hagerstown
The Governor appoints two members bi-annually.
The State Geological and Economic Survey is authorized to make:
(a) Topographic surveys showing the relief of the land, streams,
roads, railways, houses, etc.
(b) Geological surveys showing the distribution of the geological
formations and mineral deposits of the State.
(c) Agricultural soil surveys showing the areal extent and charac-
ter of the different soils.
(d) Hydrographic surveys to determine the available waters of the
State for potable and industrial uses.
(e) Magnetic surveys to determine the variation of the needle for
land surveys.
The Survey is also authorized to prepare:
(a) Reports on the area and systematic geology, on the mineral
resources, and on other topics of scientific importance.
(b) Maps of scientific and educational significance on various scales
to meet special needs.
(c) A permanent exhibit of the mineral wealth of the State in the
old Hall of Delegates at the State House to which new materials are
constantly added to keep the collection up-to-date.
Scientific Staff:
Edward B. Mathews, State Geologist...................................Baltimore
Edward W. Berry, Assistant State Geologist....................Baltimore
Charles K. Swartz, Geologist.........................Baltimore
Joseph T. Singewald, Jr., Geologist................................Baltimore
Myra Ale, Secretary..........................Baltimore
Grace E. Reed, Librarian........Baltimore
Eugene H. Sapp, Clerk....................................................... Baltimore