Dorchester County..Robert Goldsborough, Nich. Hammond, James
Shaw, Daniel Sulivane.
Baltimore County..Charles Ridgely, Charles Ridgely of William, Ed-
ward Cockey, Nathan Cromwell.
Cecil County..Henry Hollingsworth, James G. Heron, Joseph Gilpin,
William Evans.
Prince George's County-Fielder Bowie, George Diggs, Oaborn Sprigg,
Benjamin Hall.
Queen Anne's County..James Tilghman, 3d, James Hollyday, William
Hernsley, John Seney.
Worcester County..John Done, Peter Chaille, William Morris) Jamea
Frederick County..Thomas Johnson, Thomas Sim Lee, Richard Potts,
Abraham Faw.
Harford County..Luther Martin, William Paca, William Pinkney,
John Love.
Caroline County..William Richardson, Joseph Richardson, Mat.
Driver, Peter Edmondson.
Washington County-..John Stull, Moses Rawlings, Thomas Sprigg,
Henry Shryock.
Montgomery County..Benjamin Edwards, Richard Thomas, Thomas
Cramphin, William Deakins, Jr.
Elected Annually by the Legislature, with an Executive Council.
1777..Thomas Johnson. 1811..Robert Bowie.
1779..Thomas Sim Lee. 1812..Levin Winder.
1782..William Paca. 1815..Chas. Bidgely, of Hampton.
1785..William Smallwood. 1818..Charles G'oldsborough.
1788..John Eager Howard. 1819..Samuel Sprigg.
1791..George Plater. 1822..Samuel Stevens, Jr.
1792..James Brice. 1825..Joseph Kent.
1792..Thomas Sim Lee. 1828..Daniel Martin.
1794..John H. Stone.. 1829..Thomas King Carroll.
1797..Julia Henry. 1830..Daniel Martin.
1798..Benjamin Ogle. 1831..George Howard (acting).
1801..John Francis Mercer. 1832..George Howard.
1803..Robert Bowie. 1833..James Thomas.
1806..Robert Wright.* 1835..Thomas W. Veazey.
1809..Edward Lloyd.
Elected Under the Amended Constitution of 1838 for Three Years.
William Grason .................Queen Anne's County... 1838
Francis Thomas................--Frederick County . . 1841
Thomas G. Pratt ...... . Prince George's County „ . 1844
Philip F. Thomas...........„Talbot County.................. .1847
Enoch Louis Lowe. .......- -. -Frederick County ............„ 1850
1Became Governor upon the death of Governor Plater In 1792.
2 Governor Robert Wright resigned May 6, 1808. James Butcher, of the
Governor's Council, as Acting Governor, issued his proclamation call-
ing the Legislature together for the purpose of electing a Governor.