516 Park Ave., Baltimore.
Name Term Expires Postoffice
Richard G Stevenson, Pres 1931 ... ....... Hagerstown
W. S. Heatwole ... . . . 1931 . ... Salisbury
LaGrande M. Bennett . 1930 . ...... Baltimore
Edward L. Schmid . ... 1930 ... . Frederick
Henry McMains, Sec'y . ... 1930 516 Park Ave., Baltimore
Governor appoints five from a full list of members in good standing
of the Maryland Osteopathic Association, two for I year, two for 2
years, and one for 3 years, and as these terms expire the successor is
appointed for 3 years from the first day of June. (Ch 786,1914 )
The Maryland Board of Osteopathic Examiners on receiving appli-
cations for license to practice Osteopathy within the State, investigate
credentials of said applicant and if they meet the requirements, a
license is issued by said Examining Board Two stated meetings are
held each year for the examining of such applicants whose credentials
will not warrant the issuing of a license through the previous practice,
or Reciprocity Acts Said Examining Board co-operates with muni-
cipal and State officials in enforcing the laws regulating the practice
Name. Postoffice Term Expires
J Fuller Frames, President - . Baltimore .. .. 1931
Robert L Swain, Sec't'y & Treas. Sykesville 1930
Lloyd N Richardson . Belair . -.... 1933
George A Bunting . . ... Baltimore 1934
William C. Powell .....................................Snow Hill 1932
Address the Secretary, 2411 N Charles Street, Baltimore, Md.
The Governor appoints five, one annually for a term of five years
Two shall be residents of Baltimore City 'and three residents of the
counties (Ch 179, 1902 )
This Board is for the purpose of examining all candidates that
might present themselves for an examination, either as Pharmacists
or Assistant Pharmacists
The Board keeps a record of all registered Pharmacists and regis-
tered Assistant Pharmacists of Maryland
Any information pertaining to pharmacy in Maryland should be
addressed to the Secretary of the Board, who can supply a copy of any
pharmacy law of Maryland
(All Terms Expire May, 1931 )
Edward Wehrhahn 308 Builders Exchange, Baltimore
Name Address
Ex-Officio Members
Dr C Hampson Jones, Health Commissioner ... Baltimore