Name. Term Expires. Postoffice.
Dr. R. A. McDonnell, President 1932 Hagerstown
Dr. Nelson Covell, Vice-President 1930 Baltimore
Dr. Wayne F. Crider, Secty.-Treas 1931 Baltimore
The Governor appoints three resident course graduates practicing
Chiropractors, residents of Maryland, who have practiced in the State
for three years. The first appointments hold office for one, two and
three years from appointment and as these terms expire a successor is
appointed for the full term of three years. No two members shall be
graduates of the same college. (Ch. 666,1920.)
During the period October 1, 1928, to June 15, 1929, this board has
collected $1,680 in fees, and same baa been paid over to the Comptroller.
Medical Arts Building, Baltimore, Md.
Secretary, Dr. T, L. McCarriar.
Name. Postoffice. Term Expires.
Dr. T. L. McCarriar Baltimore . . 1931
Dr. H. A. Wilson Baltimore 1931
Dr. J. S. Hopkins Bel Air 1933
Dr. E. A. Coble Easton 1933
Dr. B. H. Smith Baltimore 1935
Dr. L. L. Watkins Hagerstown 1935
Governor appoints six; two biennially for a term of years from the
first Monday in May, from a list of four practicing dentists furnished
by the Maryland State Dental Association. (Bagby Code, Art. 32,
Sec. 2.)
The paramount duty of the Dental Board, as provided by the Dental
Practice Act of this State, is to regulate the practice of Dentistry in
Maryland by testing the qualifications of candidates.
It requires that all applicants for license shall be 21 years of age
and shall be graduates of dental colleges duly incorporated to grant
decrees in Dental Surgery by the laws of one of the United States.
Two annual examinations are held—lasting three days each—one
being in the month of June, the other in November. Each applicant for
examination files with the Secretary of the Board a sworn statement
setting forth his age, name and address, college or graduation, etc.,
together with the examination fee of twenty dollars.
The examinations are both theoretical (written) and practical.