available is illustrated by the instance of a sportsman who recently
shot ducks in the morning, bob white quail in the early afternoon, rah
bits later, caught salt water fish still later and black bass in one of
the inland lakes after that, and then after dinner hunted raccoons
Maryland can truly be termed the ' Hunters' Paradise "
The State Game Department, which administers our laws through
a number of game districts, has been built up entirely since 1918 Its
receipts are all dedicated by law to the support of tin department and
to game purposes, so that the work does not cost tile general treasury
The State either owns or leases 33,303 acres of land for game
refuges, and these are located in the various counties, of the State, with
the State game faun, comprising nearly three hundred acres, being lo
cated at Gwynnbrook in Baltimore County since 1919 183224 pieces
of game have been distributed for propagation purposes On the State
game faun there is a propagation plant for bob white quail
The first public shooting ground in Maryland was opened on No
vember 10, 1928, on a 600 acre tract along the boundary line between
Washington and Allegany Counties
In 1926 all fish pots and dams were removed. from the Potomac
River and its tributaries, thus preventing pollution and giving the fish
free access up and down these waters
The Department does a good deal of educational work, in order to
teach conservation to the people. It publishes, quarterly, the Maryland
Conservationist, which goes into every State of the Union and into all
the Provinces of Canada In 1927, through the co operation of the Na
tional Association of Audobon Societies, a lecture course on our natural
resources was given to the school children in the various counties of
the State Important bulletins are issued from time to time by the
State Game Warden.
Deputy Commanders
Dist. Name Address Vessel
A. S. Creighton . ... Cambridge . Steamer McLane
1st—G F Akers . Rock Hall Power Boat Murray
G. T Whaland . . Rock Hall . . . Chester River Boat*
2nd—John W. Jones . Chester . . Power Boat Talbot
3rd—G. O Haddaway ... . Wittman ... ... Power Boat Dorchester
W. J Haddaway . . Neavitt ... . Power Boat Queen Anne
Wm. M Colburn Oxford ... ... Tred Avon River Boat*
C A. Bromwell Madison ... ... Power Boat Calvert
Wilby J. Pritchett . Bishop's Head Pow. Boat Anne Arundel
D C. Kinnamon . Cambridge . Power Boat Choptank
4th—E. A. Taylor ... Bivalve Power Boat Nanticoke
D B Shores Dames Quarter Wicomico River Boat*
5th—A S Bowman ... . Champ ... . Power Boat Somerset
Geo. T Taylor . Marion Station Pocomoke Sound Boat*
Geo. S. Bowman . Champ ... Manokin River Boat*
6th—Wm. H Sanders . . Annapolis . . Schooner Brown
E. N Dixon . . Galesville ... Power Boat Folly
J. O. Rodgers . . Churchton Bugeye Brown Smith Jones
7th—L F. Miles - . Pearson . Power Boat Patuxent
T. M. Wise River Springs ... . Power Boat Kent
A P. Cullison . . Wynne Power Boat Wicomico
E. J Plowden Bushwood Power Boat Potomac
*Hired for season only