In addition to the Executive Office the Department consists of eight
bureaus, the duties of which are described as follows.
The Bureau of Vital Statistics registers all marriages, divorces,
births and deaths occurring in Maryland, licenses and registers mid-
wives, and regulates the transportation of the dead.
Dr. John Collinson, Chief, Baltimore, Md.
The Bureau of Communicable Diseases receives daily reports from
Health Officers of communicable diseases; investigates outbreaks of
disease and directs measures for their control; enforces the laws on
notification of reportable diseases and the smallpox vaccination law;
aids in maintaining tuberculosis clinics and keeps a separate and con-
fidential record of all cases of tuberculosis and of venereal diseases:
maintains venereal disease clinics, directs medical inspection of pub-
lic schools and investigates nuisances.
The Chief of this Bureau is also Director of Health. The Deputy
State Health Officers report to the Director of Health. The Director
supervises the work of the public health nurses, of whom there are forty-
eight, through the Deputy State and County Health Officers. He is also
Chairman of the Oyster Survey Committee and is in charge of the
issuance of permits to operate picnic, tourist, labor, religious and recrea-
tion camps. He aids in the development of full-time health departments
in the counties and public health nursing programs.
Dr. R. H. Riley, Chief, Baltimore, Md.
The Bureau of Bacteriology, assists physicians in the diagnosis,
treatment and prevention of communicable diseases; determines the
sanitary quality of drinking water, milk and other food substances and
drugs; makes immunizing substances, tests the efficiency of operations
for the purification of water and the disinfection of sewage.
The Central Laboratory is located at 2411 North Charles Street,
Baltimore City, with Branch Laboratories at Cumberland, Hurlock,
Frederick and Hagerstown.
Mr. H. C. Ward, Chief Bacteriologist, Baltimore Md.
The Bureau of Chemistry determines the sanitary quality of drink-
ing waters, of milk and other food substances, determines the legality
of drug products and pharmaceutical and medicinal preparations sold
to the public; assists in testing the efficiency of operations conducted
for the purification of water or for the treatment of sewage; assists
in preventing the adulteration or misbranding of foods; conducts in-
vestigations from time to time which have for their object the im-
provement of analytical methods applicable to drugs, foods, waters and
Dr. W. W. Randall, Chief Chemist, Baltimore, Md.
The Bureau of Sanitary Engineering exercises supervision over the
purity of waters over the State; examines all sewage and water works
projects, approves or amends them, can require local authorities to in-
stall sewerage or water works, or to alter the construction or operation
of these works; exercises supervision over the disposal of trade wastes,
stream pollution in general, and aerial pollution, and prepares plans
and specifications and supervises the construction of water and sewer-
age works at State Institutions.
Mr. Abel Wolman, Chief Engineer, Baltimore, Md.
The Bureau of Foods and Drugs controls the purity of foods and
drugs; inspects pharmacies, dairies, canneries, slaughter houses, mar-
kets and other places where foods are produced, sold, manufactured or
stored. It also enforces the pharmacy laws relating to the conduct of
drug stores and the narcotic and poison laws.
A. L. Sullivan, Chief, Baltimore, Md.
Robert L. Swain, Deputy Drug Commissioner, Sykesville, Md.
The Bureau of Personnel and Accounts does all departmental ac-