Institution at Sabillasville, Frederick County.
Ex-Officio Members:
Governor Albert C. Ritchie............................................................Annapolis
Comptroller Wm. S. Gordy, Jr..........................................Salisbury
Treasurer John M. Dennis..........................................................................................Riderwood
Appointed Members; Term Expires.
Charles H. Knapp, Pres.....................Baltimore ...............................1931
Dr. H. Warren Buckler, V.P.........Baltimore .............................................1935
Col. Geo. W. Rife, Sec.-Treas..........BaUimore ..................................1931
Dr. Gordon Wilson..............................Ba]timore .............................1933
Jos. J. Hock................................ ........Baltimore ...............................1933
Dr. D. C. R. Mi]ler......................................Mason & Dixon, Pa.......................1935
Dr. Charles H. Conley.......................Frederick .................................1931
Superintendent, Dr. Victor F. Cullen.
The members of this Board are appointed for terms of six years.
The terms of two expire every legislative year. The Governor, the
Comptroller and the Treasurer are ex-officio members of the Board.
The State Sanatorium, near Sabillasville, cares for about 436 pa-
tients. At Mount Wilson about 76 patients, consisting largely of tuber-
cular children, will be cared for when certain new construction has been
completed. The population of the Eastern Shore Branch is about 43
patients, Henryton cares for about 150 patients.
The State's program for the hospitalization of tubercular patients
has been practically completed, and is expected to meet the demands
of at least a number of years. The facilities are among the finest in
the country, and are recognized everywhere as combining economy in
operation and excellence in treatment.
The death rate from tuberculosis has decreased from 165.8 per 100,-
000 population in 1919 to 101.7 in 1927. This represents a reduction
of 40 per cent, which is in large part due to institutional care.
The above Board governs the following tubercular institutions:
Institution at Salisbury, Md.
Pine Bluff.
Dr. C. D. Steenken, Superintendent.
Chapter 129 of the Acts of 1927 abolished the Eastern Shore Tu-
berculosis Sanitorium Commission, transferring its powers, etc. to the
above Board.
Institution at Mount Wilson, Baltimore County, Md.
Dr. John A. Smith, Superintendent.
Institution at Henryton, Carroll County, Md.
Dr John E. O'Neill, Superintendent.