Art. Sec.
Judges to fill vacancies in office of State's Attorneys...... 5 .11
Jury in criminal cases to be Judges of law and facts 15 5
Judiciary department ..................................................................... 4 1-45
Jury, trial by, people to be entitled to................................... 5 ........
Justices of the Peace, eligible as Senator or Delegate... 3 11
Appointment, tenure, removal; vacancy.......................... 4 42
Labor and agriculture .................................................................. 10 1-7
Land not to be given to religious uses................................... 38 ......
Land office. Commissioner of..............-..................... 1 4, 11
Larceny, party convicted of, disfranchised......... 1 2
Laws of United States, supreme ............ I ......
Of England, what, in force................... 5 ...Suspension
of ..................................... 9 ......
Preservation of ..... ....... 12 ......
Sanguinary, to be avoided............-...... ...... 16 ...
Retrospective criminal, unjust ................. 17 ..
Of attainder, not to be passed............... 38 ........
Imprisonment of freemen.-,...................................... 23 ...
For quartering soldiers........................... .... 31 ......
Martial ......-............................ 32
Holding two offices, not to be passed for................ 35 ......
Oath of office, religious test not to be required....... 37 ..-
Against illegal voting .....,............................ 1 3, 4
To be approved by Governor............................... 3 30
To be enforced by Governor............................ '...' 9
Recommendations of Governor .................... 2 19
Style of ..............- ........................... 11 2
Mode of enactment ........................ 3 29
Special ami local............... ............ .3 .33
Amendments of ................................................- ............... ,1 29
Laws, statements about public money to be published
with ...........---...-................ 3 32
When to take effect..--............----....................... :3 31
Mode of attesting and recording.....-..--........ 3 30
To protect wife's property from husband's debts .3 13
Relating to exemption from execution.....-............. .3 14
Relating to registration of voters......- . 1 5
To regulate Clerks' and Registers' fees.......- 3 45
Relating to master and slave. .......... ... ..-...- :3 37
Granting charters to banks.-.-....... 3 39
None to be passed to take private property for pull-
lie relating to corporations....- .- 3 18
Use without compensation......... ,1 10
Relating to contested elections.......... 3 47
For regulation of elections................... 3 49
Against bribery of officials..........--- - ..... -....... .1 .50
Suspending habeas corpus prohibited.-.- 3 55
For executing vested powers.....-.-.-. 3 56
Relating to the legal rate of interest.-.............. 3 57
For taxation of foreign corporations,... 3 58
Legislative department ................... 3 59
Legislature, trustees of the public-....- .. 6 .-
Oath of members of..-.-.-....... 6 6
Right of the people to participate in..- 7 ........
Alone to suspend laws..-............-- --. 9
Freedom of speech In......................... 10
Annapolis to be the place of meeting -........- 11 ....
To he frequently convened.- ....... 12 .--
Right to petition to..........--.... .13 --
Taxes not to be levied, except by........ 14
Alone to raise standing armies........... 20 ........
What devises void, without leave of.-... 38 .--
General duties of .... 43 .....-
To pass laws against Illegal voting.....-. -.. 1 4
To pass registration laws. .-. 1 5
To elect Governor; when.........-. 2 4-6
Consent to Governor's commanding militia in per-
son necessary ....... ..... 2 8
Extra sessions of............- ..... 2 16
May pass laws over veto of Governor.---.- 2 17
Recommendations from Governor to ...... 2 10
Governor to report to, reasons for pardon....,.......... 2 20
To consist of two branches........-....-. 3 1
Election and classification of Senators - 3 2
Appointment of Delegates....... 3 3, 4, 5
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