Art. Sec.
Fines may be Imposed for the benefit of the community 15 ..
Excessive, not to be imposed.................................. 25 ..
May be remitted by the Governor........................ 2 20
Foreign powers, presents to officers from, prohibited.... 35 ......
Forfeiture of estate; conviction not to work...................... 27 .....
Forms of government; people may alter...................... 1 ...,.
Foundation of government ............................................. 1 ....
Franchise, elective ...................................... 1 1-2
Free public schools to be established.............--.............. 8 1
General Assembly(See Legislature).
Gifts, when prohibited from foreign powers................... 35 ......
God, belief In requisite for witness; Jurors---.--......... 38, 37, 39 ........
Gospel, ministers of; grants, devises, &c., to, when pro-
hibited ...................................................................... 38
Governor, oath of ...................................................... 1 8
Term of office ............................................................. 2 1
When to enter office .................................. 2 3
Mode of election and returns............... 2 2-3
Qualifications ........................... .. 2 5
Vacancy, how to be filled.......... .. 2 6, 7
To be commander-in-chief........... 2 8
To execute laws ...........................................- 2 9
To appoint all officers..... ............. 2 10
Time of appointments ...................................... 2 11,12,13,14
To remove officers ................ 2 15
To convene the Legislature, when........ 2 16
Veto power ......... .................... 2 17
To examine Treasury accounts............ ....... 2 .18
Message to the General Assembly.......... 2 19-2-
Pardoning power .......................... ..... 2 20
Residence and salary ..... 2 21
To appoint Secretary of State-....-...-----...--... 2 22
To arrange representation In House of Delegates...... 3 5
To issue warrants of election for Senator or Dele-
gate ; when ....................,.. 3 13
Proclamation to convene Legislature................ 3 14
To sign bills ................................. 3 30
May recommend releasing debts................... 3 33
Contingent fund ..........- .- 3 32
To remove Judges; when.................................-...... 4 4
To appoint Judges to fill vacancies.............. 4 4
Returns of elections to be certified to.......... 4 11
To order new election In case of tie...................... 4, 15 12, 4
To sign public grants................. 4 13
To designate Chief Justice of Court of Appeals... 4 14
To appoint Justice of the Peace. 4 42
To appoint Justices of the Peace to fill vacancies. 4 43
To appoint Sheriffs, to fill vacancies, &c.....-......... 4 44
To appoint Attorney-General to fill vacancy........ 5 5
To appoint Treasurer and Comptroller to fill va-
To appoint Adjutant General ............ 9 2
To declare office of defaulters vacant.... 15 1
Government, origin, foundation, &c.. ... 1-7 -
Right to reform ............... 6 --
Separation of departments....... .......... 8 -
Support of ............................................ 15
Government, militia defence of.........- 28 ~
Seat of may be temporarily changed by Governor;
Governor to reside at seat of..............-.... 2 21
Laws to be passed to execute powers of........ 3 56
Grand inquest ............... 3 24
Grants under charter of Charles the First..................-, 5 --
Of money by the Legislature...... 3 32
Of charters for banks........................ 3 39
Of land from United States......................- ....... 3 46
Form of .........." 4 13
Gratitude to Almighty God-......--........--....-..........--- 1 -
Great Seal, Acts of Assembly to be sealed with..........-- 3 30
Grievances, petition against ...-. 3
Habeas corpus not to be suspended.......... 3 55
House Rule..........-................................... ...... 11 1-7
Honors hereditary, not to be granted-....... 42
House of Delegates(See Legislature).