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Maryland Manual, 1929
Volume 146, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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who, with the President of Johns Hopkins University and the State
Geologist, shall constitute the Board,

The terms of those first appointed are until the first Monday in
May, 1924, and thereafter for two years from the first Monday in May.
Ch. 29, 1922.

The Department of Forestry was created and organized to protect
and develop the valuable timber and tree products of the State, and to
carry on a campaign of education and to instruct counties, towns, cor-
porations and individuals as to the advantages and necessity of protect-
ing from fire and other enemies the timber lands of the State. While
the power of the Forest Department rests with the Regents of the Uni
versity, acting through the Advisory Board, the detail work is in the
hands and under the management of the State Forester, who is secretary
of the Board, and all correspondence and inquiries should be addressed
to him at 1411 Fidelity Building, Baltimore.

Scientific Staff:

F. W. Besley, State Forester Baltimore
Karl E. Pfeiffer, Assistant State Forester ... Baltimore
John R. Curry, Assistant Forester Baltimore
Fred B. Trenk, Assistant Forester Baltimore
H. C. Buckingham, District Forester Cumberland
Walter J. Quick, Jr., District Forester ... Upper Marlboro
Kenneth J. Seigworth, District Forester Salisbury

The State Forester has studied the timber interests of each of the
twenty-three counties in detail and the statistics and information col-
lected are published for free distribution, accompanied by a valuable
timber map to all who may apply. He will co-operate with counties,
towns, corporations and individuals, in preparing plans for the protec-
tion, management and replacement of trees, woodlots and timber tracts
under an agreement that the party obtaining such assistance pay at
least the field expenses of the men employed. An important work of
the Forester is to use means to prevent and to extinguish forest fires
which are liable to destroy annually thousands of dollars worth of
young timber. For this purpose there is a well established system of
lockout stations. About 550 men are distributed throughout the State,
who are constantly upon the watch to discover and extinguish fires;
giving particular attention during the danger seasons in spring and
fall. The laws against setting out fires are very strict. The State and
county divide the expense of extinguishing fires,

The Department also administers seven State forests, comprising
about 10,000 acres in foul different counties. The main purpose of these
forests is for timber growing and watershed protection, but they also
serve as a recreation ground for the people of the State, being visited
every year by thousands for camping and other forms of recreation.
The Legislature of 1929 appropriated $50,000 for the purchase of addi-
tional State forests.

The Roadside Tree Law directs the Department of Forestry to care
for those trees growing within the right of way of any public highway
ill the State, and no tree can be cut or trimmed by a corporation of
individual without a permit from the Forestry Department, after appli
cation to the State Forester. The same Act makes it illegal to pout
commercial advertising signs within the right of a ay of highways, and
citizens are empowered and Forest Wardens, directed to remove them.

A State forest nursery, established in 1914, furnishes trees at cost
for planting .and for planting along roadsides.


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Maryland Manual, 1929
Volume 146, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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