Assistant Home Demonstration Agent
Frederick....................................Katherine A. Baker..........................Frederick
Garden Specialist
Mrs. Adelaide Derringer, Madison and Lafayette Aves., administra-
tion Building, Baltimore.
816 Fidelity Building, Baltimore, Md.
James B. George, Director, Live Stock Sanitary Service, 816 Fidel-
ity Building, Baltimore, Md.
The law provides that the personnel of the State Board of Agri-
culture shall be the same as the Board of Regents of the State Uni-
versity. (Ch. 225 and 391, 1916.)
General Powers.
The general powers of the board as stated in Article 7 of the Laws
of 1916, Chapter 391, are as follows:
"The State Board of Agriculture shall investigate the conditions
surrounding the breeding, raising and marketing of livestock and the
products thereof, and contagious and infectious diseases affecting the
same; the raising, distribution and sale of farm, orchard, forest and
nursery products, generally, and plant diseases and injurious insects
affecting the same; the preparation, manufacture, quality analysis, in-
spection, control and distribution of animal and vegetable products,
animal feeds, seeds, fertilizers, agricultural lime, agricultural and
horticultural chemicals, and biological products; and shall secure in-
formation and statistics in relation thereto and publish such informa-
tion, statistics and the results of such investigations at such times
and in such manner as to it shall seem best adapted to the efficient
dissemination thereof; and except where such powers and duties are
by law conferred or laid upon other boards, commissions or officials,
the State Board of Agriculture shall have general supervision, direc-
tion and control of the herein recited matters, and generally of all
matters in any way affecting or relating to the fostering protection
and development of the agricultural interests of the State, including
the encouragement of desirable immigration thereto, with power and
authority to issue rules and regulations in respect thereof not in con-
flict with the Constitution and Laws of the State or the United States,
which shall have the force and effect of law, and all violations of
which shall be punished as misdemeanors are punished at common law;
and where such powers and duties are by law conferred or laid on
other governmental agencies may co-operate in the execution and per-
formance thereof, and when so co-operating each shall be vested with
such authority as is now or may hereafter by law be conferred on the
other. The powers and duties herein recited shall be in addition to
and not in limitation of any power and duties which now are or here-
after may be conferred or laid upon said board."