No. 38. Flag of the First Maryland Battalion Infantry, C. S. A.
In the battle of Hatcher's Run this Flag became a trophy of the 123rd
Ohio Regiment and was returned to the Slate of Maryland by Ohio in
No. 39. Guidon of Battery A, First Maryland Volunteers, Federal
Army, partially destroyed at the Battle of Gaines Mills, Va... June 27,
1862, while its bearer was destroying ammunition to prevent its cap-
ture by the Confederate troops.
Colors in the World War.
List of Colors and Standards turned over to the State of Maryland by
the United States upon demobilization of organizations named.
Organization. Colors or Standards.
115th Infantry............................................................... U. S. & Regtal. (2)
110th Machine Gun Battalion.......................................... " " " " (2)
313th Infantry.................................................................. " " " " (2)
808th Pioneer Infantry................................................ " " " " (2)
Organization Colors or Standards.
811th Pioneer Infantry................................................... " " " " (2)
310th Field Artillery.............................................. " (1)
112th Machine Gun Battalion................................... Batn. (1)
110th Field Artillery...................................................... Regtal. (1)
351st Field Artillery...................................................... " " " " (2)
361st Field Artillery................................................ " " (Bunting) (1)