ART. 84.] SCHOOLS. 591
9. Any real or personal property may be granted, conveyed or
devised to any university, college or other literary institution in
this State, which now is or may be incorporated, to be held in
trust to found and maintain professorships, fellowships or scholar-
ships, and the said trusts may be created subject to such condi-
tions as may be prescribed by the grantor, donor or devisor, and
agreed to by said trustees, the same not being contrary to law;
and the property granted, conveyed or devised may be held by
such university, college or institution upon trust, and subject to
such conditions as may be so prescribed and agreed upon.
10*. The sum of fifteen hundred dollars shall, on the warrant of
the Comptroller of the State, be annually paid on the first day of
April of each year to the President of the Board of Trustees
of the Baltimore Female College, for the support of said institu-
11*. In consideration of the above amount granted by the State
for the support of said seminary of learning, the trustees of the
said Baltimore Female College shall establish free scholarships,
upon which one pupil from each county in the State, and one
from the city of Baltimore, shall be admitted to all the instruction
given in the college, and to all the privileges of the normal class,
and all necessary books, without any charge whatever.
12*. When any of the young ladies educated as above shall
have completed the usual course of study, and in the judgment of
the Faculty of the college, and the Board of Trustees, shall exhibit
ability and aptness to teach, they shall receive, in addition to the
ordinary degree of the college, a diploma which shall set forth
their qualifications for the duties of an instructress of youth.
13*. The Judges of the Orphans' Court in each county in the
State, and of the city of Baltimore, shall for their counties and
for the city of Baltimore respectively designate from time to time
the persons who are to enjoy the privileges of said free scholar-
14*. The trustees of the Baltimore Female College shall from
time to time advise the aforesaid Orphans' Courts of the several
counties and of the city of Baltimore respectively of any exist-
ing or expected vacancies in the said free scholarships, so that
there may be kept at all times one pupil from each county and
from the city of Baltimore in the enjoyment of the privileges of