3. In no case shall indemnity be received when it shall be
satisfactorily proved that the civil authorities and citizens of said
county, town or city, when called on by the civil authorities
thereof, have used all reasonable diligence and all the powers
intrusted to them for the prevention or suppression of such
riotous or unlawful assemblages.
4. In any suit instituted under this article, the plaintiff may
declare generally and give the special matter in evidence.
Sales and Notices.
SEC. 1. Any sheriff, or other officer to whom any execution
may be directed, may seize and expose to sale any legal or
equitable estate or interest which the defendant named in
such writ may have or hold in any lands, tenements, or here-
2. Any person who shall purchase any equitable estate or
interest in any lands, tenements or hereditaments which may be
sold under the preceding section, shall be entitled, upon payment
of the purchase money, to an assignment or conveyance of such
equitable interest, to be made by the sheriff or other officer
making such sale, and shall in consequence of such purchase and
assignment or conveyance, stand as to title, and be entitled to
such remedy against all persons and in all cases as the person
whose title he may purchase.
3. Any constable or sheriff by virtue of any execution on any
judgment rendered by a justice of the peace, may seize and sell
the interest and estate at law and in equity of the party against
whose property said execution shall have issued in and to any
lands or tenements within the county or city in which such exe-
cution shall issue.
4. The legal notice required to be given by any sheriff, consta-
ble, coroner, or elisor, of the sale of any goods or chattels, lands
or tenements, under any execution, shall be as follows: in the
case of the sale of goods and chattels, negro slaves excepted, the