(Joint Resolution No. 27 of 1927.)
To investigate and study the problem of a remedy for the loss sus-
tained through personal injury and property damage accidents, caused
by motor vehicles, which is not recoverable because of the financial re-
sponsibility of the negligent motorist, to determine whether any remedy
is feasible, economically justifiable and consistent with accident pre-
vention as it relates to such losses, and with acccident prevention in
general, and to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor
and the General Assembly of 1929. Appointments to be "representa-
tive" of the departments and groups specified below.
Insurance Department—Carville D. Benson, Insurance Commissioner,
Lexington Building, Baltimore.
Motor Vehicle Department—J. Vincent Jamison, Hagerstown.
County Motorists—W. Wallace Lanahan, Timonium, Baltimore Co.
Baltimore City Motorists—W. Frank Roberts, Sparrows Point.
Non-motor-vehicle owning public—Police Commissioner Charles D.
Gaither, Police Building, Baltimore.
Automotive industry—C. Harry Reeves, Jr., President Foss-Hughes
Motor Car Company, 1313 Cathedral Street, Baltimore.
Insurance business—Joseph F. Matthai, Vice-President U. S. F. & G.
Company, Calvert and Redwood Streets, Baltimore.
Baltimore Safety Council—W. W. Cloud, Cathedral and Biddle
Streets, Baltimore.
Governor's representative—Joseph C. France, Continental Building,
(Joint Resolution No. 12 of 1927.)
To assemble all the essential information concerning the character
and results of state and community advertising and report the facts of
the situation to the Governor and the Legislature of 1929 for such action
as the Legislature may deem advisable,
E. Lester Muller, President Advertising Club of Baltimore, Munsey
Building, Baltimore.
H. Findlay French, Director Industrial Bureau Baltimore Associa-
tion of Commerce, 22 Light Street, Baltimore.
Jerome P. Fleishman, Advertising Agent, Emerson Tower Bldg., Bal-
Thomas B. Finan, Cumberland; part owner Cumberland Evening
Times, President Footer's Dye Works, of Fort Cumberland Hotel
and of Strand Theatre, Secretary Liberty Trust Company, Director in
First National Bank, etc.
Miss Katherine H. Mahool, 14 E. Lexington Street, Baltimore, for-
mer President Women's Advertising Club of Baltimore.