Assembly of 1924, Chapter 575, such person, co-partnership or corpora-
tion shall apply to said Board of Undertakers for a license. If the
Board, after an investigation and examination of the applicant is of the
opinion that he is entitled to such license, it is authorized to grant the
same upon payment of an examination fee of $25.00 and a license fee of
$5.00. The applicant is then registered as a duly licensed undertaker.
who is required to renew said license annually.
Before any person or persons shall hereafter engage in the profes-
sion of embalming in this State, and before any person or persons now
so engaged in said profession of embalming in this State, who shall fail
to register with the above Board, in accordance with Section 237-A of
the Act of 1924, Chapter 575, shall continue to carry on said profession
of embalming in this State, such person or persons shall apply to said
Board of Undertakers for a license to practice embalming. If the Board
shall find, upon due examination and the payment of an examination
fee of $25.00, that the applicant has secured the required percentage in
the theoretical and practical examinations in anatomy, sanitation, dis-
infection, embalming, etc., to entitle him to a license, the Board shall
issue to said applicant upon the payment of a fee of $5.00 a license to
practice the profession of embalming. On payment of one examination
fee for an embalmer's license, the applicant shall be entitled to two ex-
aminations and no more; and said Board shall hold such examinations
annually. Embalmers' licenses are not required to be renewed.
The penalty for violations of the undertakers' law, relating to regis-
tration and licensing, is a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or
imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or both.
The penalty for violations of the embalmers' law. relating to regis-
tration and licensing, is a fine of not less than fifty nor more than five
hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both.
Linden Avenue and Dolphin Streets.
(Terms Expire 1929.)
Name, Postoffice.
Hulbert Young, Secretary Baltimore
R. V. Smith Frederick
Glenn W. Homer Westminster
H. J. McCarthy Howardsville
The Governor appoints five for three years from the first Monday in
May. (Bagby Code, Art. 43, Sec. 136.)
The State Veterinary Medical Board is authorized to issue licenses
entitling the holders thereof to practise veterinary medicine and
surgery in the State of Maryland. It shall be unlawful for any per-
son or persons to practise veterinary medicine or surgery in the State
of Maryland without having previously obtained a diploma from a
college duly authorized to grant such to students of veterinary medi-
cine and surgery and who has passed satisfactory examinations
before the State Veterinary Medical Board. The Board is required
to examine all diplomas as to their genuineness, and each appli-
cant shall submit to a theoretical and practical examination before the
Board It is the duty of the Board to keep a register of all prac-
tioners qaulified to practice veterinary medicine and surgery or any