It is the duty of this Board to examine all applicants for registra-
tion as "Registered Nurse," and if found competent, to issue the propel
certificate. Also, to examine applicants for license, as "Licensed Prac-
tical Nurse," and if found competent to issue the proper certificate. A
register of the names of all nurses duly registered and licensed shall be
kept, open to the public. It is also the duty of this Board to visit and
inspect the Training Schools for Nurses in this State, to the end that it
may be conversant with the course of study and training as carried on
in these schools. The State Board of Examiners of Nurses may revoke
any certificate for registration or for license, for cause. (Ch. 172,
1904; Ch. 527, 1916, Ch. 230, and Ch 274, 1922.)
Address the Secretary.
Name. Term Expires Postoffice
Dr. B .W. Hazell, President . . 1929 Baltimore
Dr. J. Fred Andreae, Sec., Lexington Bldg. 1929 Baltimore
Dr. G. M. Whitney, Treasurer ..--- 1931 . . Baltimore
Dr. J. H. Mayerberg . . -.1931 Baltimore
Dr. H. D. Clogg . . . ..... 1929 Baltimore
Terms are four years. Appointees must be selected from lists fur-
nished the Governor by the Maryland Association of Optometrists. ( Ch.
The duties of the Board are to examine all persons not exempt in
this Act desiring to practice optometry in the State of Maryland and if
found qualified, to issue certificates of examination and registration,
which must be recorded in the city or county of permanent residence.
To transact such business as brought before it as concerns the prac-
tice of Optometry and as outlined in Optometry Act.
516 Park AveBaltimore.
Name. Term Expires. Postoffice.
Richard G. Stevenson, Pres. 1931 . . . Hagerstown
W.S.Heatwole . . - . 1831 . ... Salisbury
LaGrande M. Bennett . 1930 . . ...Baltimore
Edward L. Schmid 1930 . .. Frederick
Henry McMains, Sec'y . . 1930 516 Park Ave., Baltimore
Governor appoints five from a full list of members in good standing
of the Maryland Osteopathic Association, two for I year, two for 2
years, and one for 3 years, and as these terms expire the successor is
appointed for 3 years from the first day of June. (Ch. 786,1914.)
The Maryland Board of Osteopathic Examiners on receiving appli-
cations for license to practice Osteopathy within the State, investigate