Office, 512 Munsey Building, Baltimore, Md.
Commissioner (Term Expires 1931)
Swepson Earle Biihimore
Chief Clerk-
H. H. Johnson . Baltimore
Asst. Chief Clerk
C. E. Ebberts Arbutus
H. E. Collins . . Clisfield
Georgia A. Poehiman Baltimore
Grace G. Morrison Baltimore
Deputy State Auditor (Oyster Auditor) .
Milton C. Greer, Jr. Baltimore
The Governor appoints a Conservation Commisioner for a term of
four years from the first Monday in May. (Ch. 29, 1922.)
Oyster Auditor
(Chapter 674—Acts of 1927.)
Adding new section to Article 81 of The Code of Public General
Laws to be known as section 240-A.
The Governor shall appoint an additional deputy State auditor
whose term of office shall begin when, this act shall take effect and ex-
tend until the first Monday in May, 1928, after which time he shall be
appointed and hold office in the same manner and for the same term
as provided for the other deputy State auditors. He shall be subject to
all the provisions of Section 240, Article 81 of the code and shall re-
ceive $2400 per annum and necessary traveling expenses to the extent
of $2000.00. He shall audit the books of the various oyster packers,
crab and clam shippers and fish dealers, including any catchers of these
seafoods who may ship direct for the purpose of ascertaining the total
number of bushels of oysters caught within the waters of Maryland.
the number of gallons shucked and shipped, the pounds of crabs and
crab meat, quantities of soft crabs and clams, quantities of each kind
of fish and also the quantity in bushels and gallons that are purchased
from points out of the State. He shall file with the Conservation De-
partment weekly reports showing the result of such audits.
(Chapter 369, Acts of 1927.)
To add new section to Article 72 of The Code of Public General
Laws to be known as Section 155-A and to provide that a committee of
three persons of practical knowledge and experience engaged in the
oyster business, one to be a resident of District No. 1, consisting of
Kent, Queen Annes and Talbot Counties; one of District No. 2, consist-
ing of Dorchester, Wicomico and Somerset Counties, and one of Dis-
trict No. 3, consisting of St. Mary's, Anne Arundel, Charles and Cal-
vert Counties. Appointments to be made by the Governor for terms of
four years and to extend from June 1st, 1927, at a salary of $1,000.00
per annum.
The duties of the committee shall consist of advising and working
with The Conservation Commissioner in the buying of shells and oysters
for planting, supervising, suggesting and recommending places and
bars in The Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries where planting is most