Where no sections are given, the Articles refer to the Declaration of Rights
Art. Sec.
Accountability to God, belief in, a necessary qualifica.-
tion for a witness or a juror....... 36 --
Acts of Assembly in force in Maryland............ 5 ...
How to be passed..-.................... 3 28
Additional Salaries of Judges of Baltimore City.......... 4 31-A
Adjournments of Legislature-............................ 3 25
Adjustment of accounts of the State by .Legislature...... 3 24
Adjutant General to be appointed by the Governor....... 8 2
Adoption of the Constitution............................ 15 11
Affinity of judges to parties In cases................. 4 7
Agents, no extra compensation to be allowed to........ 3 35
Agriculture, to be encouraged by the Legislature....... 43 ........
Tolls to be adjusted so as to promote............... 12 2
Aids, not to be levied without consent of Legislature. 14 --
Allegiance, oath of ............ ....... 1 6
Allowance, additional not to be made to public offleers 3 35
Amendments to the Constitution.............-.. 14 1-2
of bills .........-............................. 8 27
Annapolis, to be the place of meeting of Legislature 11 ---
Court of Appeals to sit there............ 4 14
Appointments by the Governor.... ... ........ 2 10
Apportionment of Delegates ........ 3 4
Appropriations of money, how to be made by Legisla-
ture.................................................................................3 32
Of proceeds of internal improvement companies... 3 84
Duties of Comptroller in relation to............... 6 2
Arrest of military officers for disobedience.............. 2 18
Arts to be encouraged by .Legislature.................... 43 .....
Assembly, Acts of. In force................................ 5 .....
To consist of two branches.--................ 3 1
To meet on first Wednesday In January bi-ennially- 3 14
Attainder, laws of, not to be made........................... 18 .
Attendance of absent members may be compelled by
each House of Assembly .................. 3 20
Attorney-General; tenure; qualifications; returns of
elections; duties; vacancy ........... 5 1-6
Attorney, State's(See State's Attorney).
Auditors of accounts of the State may be appointed by
the House of Delegates............--.--........... 3 24
Bail, excessive, not to be required............ ........ 28 -
Ballot, all elections to be by......................... 1 1
Baltimore City, representation of restricted.............. 3 4
Legislative districts of .................... 8 2
Mayor and City Council of............................ 11 1-9
Baltimore City Court ............................... 4 27-28
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad............................ 12 3
Banks, charters of ......................................... 3 38
Belief in the existence of God required of witness and
Juror ......- ...................................... 36, 37, 39 ........
Bills ............................................. .... 3 27-30
Bonds of officers to be sued by order of House of Dele-
Of State to be signed by Comptroller and Treasurer 6 3
Books not to be bought by Legislature, what........... 3 18
Bribery of voters .........................- .......... l 3
Of officers .-........................ 3 50
Calvert County .............................. ..... 3 34
Canals, counties not to give aid to...................................... 3 34
rages, criminal, Jury to be judges of law and fact.... 18 5
Challenge to a duel-.............................. 3 41
Chancery records ........................... 7 4
Charges not to be levied without consent of Legislature 14 ........
Of Clerks and Registers of Wills, to be regulated
Charles County 3 34