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Kilty's English Statutes, 1811
Volume 143, Page 30   View pdf image
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30                                                                STATUTES NOT FOUND APPLICABLE.

    CHAP. 8.  How he shall be used that is taken
for any offence in the forest.--Bailment of him.

and it is not probable that the evil existed there.
See the note on 22 and 23 Car. 2, Ch. 20.

Other statutes made at Westminster, 1 Edw. 3, Stat. 2.--A. D. 1327.


    CHAP. 2.  How every person may use his
woods within the forest.--Seizing of bishops temporalities.
    CHAP. 3. and Ch. 4.
    CHAP. 5.  None shall be compelled to go to
war out of the shire where he dwelleth, but when
necessity requireth.
    CHAP. 6.  How aid granted to the king shall
be taxed.
    CHAP. 7.  Who shall pay the wages to conductors
of soldiers.
    CHAP. 8.  Nothing shall be taken for beaupleader.
    CHAP. 9.  A confirmation of the liberties of cities
and boroughs.
    CHAP. 10.  There shall be no more grants of
corrodies at the king's request by bishops, abbots,
    CHAP. 11.  No suit shall be made in the spiritual
court against indictors.
    CHAP. 12.  No forfeiture, but a fine shall be
made for alienation of lands holden by the king.
    CHAP. 13.  Purchasing of lands holden of the
king as of some honour.
    CHAP. 14.  None shall commit maintenance.
    CHAP. 15.  None shall be bound by writing to
come armed to the king.
    CHAP. 17.  Indictments in the sheriff's term
shall be by roll indented.




    CHAP. 14.  See the note on 3 Edw. 1, Ch. 25.

Statutes made at Northampton, 2 Edw. 3.--A. D. 1328.


    CHAP. 2.  In what cases only, pardon of felony
shall be granted.--Who shall be justices of assize.


    CHAP. 2.  As to the first part of this statute
see 4 Bl. Com. 393, respecting the alteration in

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Kilty's English Statutes, 1811
Volume 143, Page 30   View pdf image
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