10 and 11 William 3.--1699.
CHAP. 16. An act to enable posthumous children
to take estates as if born in their father's life
1 Anne, St. 2.--1702.
CHAP. 6. An act for the better preventing
escapes out of the queen's bench, and fleet prisons
3 and 4 Anne.--1704.
CHAP. 9. An act giving like remedy upon promissory
notes, as is now used upon bills of exchange,
and for the better payment of bills of exchange.
4 Anne.--1705.
CHAP. 16. An act for the amendment of the
law and the better advancement of justice. (Part.)
5 Anne.--1706.
CHAP. 9. Escapes.
6 Anne.--1707.
CHAP. 18. An act for the more effectual discovery
of the death of persons pretended to be
alive, to the prejudice of those who claim estates
after their deaths.
7 Anne.--1708.
CHAP. 19. Infants.
8 Anne.--1709.
CHAP. 14. An act for the better security of
rents, and to prevent frauds committed by tenants.
9 Anne.--1710.
CHAP. 14. An act for the better preventing
excessive and deceitful gaming. (Part.)
CHAP. 20. An act for rendering the proceedings
upon writs of mandamus, and informations in
the nature of a quo warranto, more speedy and
effectual, and for the more easy trying and determining
the rights of offices and franchises in corporations
and boroughs. (Part.) |
5 George 1.--1718.
CHAP. 13. An act for the amendment of writs
of error, and for the further preventing the arresting
or reversing of judgments after verdict.
12 George 1.--1725.
CHAP. 29. An act to prevent frivolous and
vexatious arrests. (Part.)
4 George 2.--1731.
CHAP. 10. An act to enable idiots and lunatics,
who are seized or possessed of estates in fee,
or for lives, or terms of years, in trust, or by way
of mortgage, to make conveyances, surrenders or
assignments of such estates.
CHAP. 26. An act that all proceedings in
courts of justice within that part of Great Britain
called England, and in the court of exchequer in
Scotland, shall be in the English language.
CHAP. 28. An act for the more effectual preventing
of frauds committed by tenants, and for
the more easy recovering of rents and renewal of
5 George 2.--1732.
CHAP. 7. An act for the more easy recovery
of debts in his majesty's plantations and colonies
in America. (Part.)
6 George 2.--1733.
CHAP. 14. Pleadings. (Part.)
7 George 2.--1734.
CHAP. 15. An act to settle how far owners of
ships shall be answerable for the acts of the masters
or mariners.
CHAP. 20. An act for the more easy redemption
and foreclosure of mortgages.
11 George 2.--1738.
CHAP. 19. An act for the more effectual securing
the payment of rents, and preventing frauds
by tenants. |