CHAP. 39. Several limitations of prescription
in several writs.
CHAP. 40. Voucher to warranty, and counterpleading
of voucher.
CHAP. 41. The champion's oath in a writ of
CHAP. 42. Certain actions, wherein, after
the tenant shall not be essoined.
CHAP. 43. There shall be no fourcher by essoin.
CHAP. 44. In what case essoin ultra mare
shall not be allowed.
CHAP. 45. In what cases the great distress
shall be awarded.--Where the justice's estreats
shall be delivered.
CHAP. 46. One plea shall be decided by the
justices before another commenced.
CHAP. 47. In what case the monage of the
heir of the disseisor or disseisee shall not prejudice.
CHAP. 48. The remedy where a guardian
maketh a feoffment of his ward's lands.--Suit by
prochein amy.
CHAP. 50.
CHAP. 51. Assizes and darrein presentments.--
At what time taken. |
CHAP. 39. Altered in England.
CHAP. 40. See 2 Inst. 239.
CHAP. 41. See 3 Bl. Com. 343.
CHAP. 45. See 2 Inst. 254.
CHAP. 47. See 3 Bl. Com. 300, and see the
note on 9 Hen. 3, Ch. 12.
CHAP. 48. Obsolete in England. See 12 Car.
2, Ch. 24.
CHAP. 50. There is no title to this statute, but
it contained a saving to the king of the rights of
his crown.
CHAP. 51. See the note on 9 Hen. 3, Ch. 12. |
The Statute of Bigamy, 4 Edw. 1, Stat. 3.--A.
D. 1276.
CHAP. 1. In what case aid shall be granted
of the king.--In what not.
CHAP. 2. In what case aid is granted of the
king.--In what not.
CHAP. 3. In dower, the king's grantee of a
ward shall not have aid.
CHAP. 4. Purprestures or usurpations upon
the king's land shall be reseised.
CHAP. 5. Bigamus shall not be allowed his
clergy. |
CHAP. 5. This statute was altered by 1 Edw.
6, Ch. 12, which allowed clergy. By 1 James 1,
Ch. 11, this offence was made felony, but not
ousted of the benefit of clergy.