1. Authorizing the Governor to issue a commission to
Hon. Wm. T. Hamilton as Senator in Congress..
2. Directing the State Librarian to furnish the clerk of
the Circuit Court and Register of Wills for Wi-
comico county with certain books.......................
3. Directing the Senators and Representatives in Con-
gress to urge the passage of such laws as will se-
cure to all naturalized citizens the rights possessed
by native born...............................................
4. Directing the Comptroller to demand from all bank-
ing institutions incorporated by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, the sums required to be paid
in aid and augmentation of the free school fund..
5. Protesting against the action of the Senate of the
United States in excluding the Hon. Philip F.
Thomas from his seat.......................................
6. Directing theclerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore
city to refund to certain constables the amounts paid
by them for their commissions, decided by the Court
of Appeal to be void......................................
7. Requesting the Governor to deliver to John De isa
Camp, upon such conditions as he may deem fit,
the unfinished maps relating to the boundary line
between Maryland and Virginia.........................
8. Relating to the island of Alta Vela, in the Carrib-
bean sea...................................................
9. Directing the State Librarian to famish the clerk of
the Circuit Court for Howard county, with certain