to come in after section forty-four of said article, giv-
ing jurisdiction to Justices of the Peace to issue
attachments in certain cases...................................
No. 448. An act to add to the tenth section of article fifty-
six of the Code of Public General Laws, a sub-section,
requiring a license to enable any person to act as a real
estate broker.......................................................
No. 449. An act to incorporate the " Baltimore Dry Dock
and Warehouse Company."..............................
No. 450. An act to provide for the sale of a portion of the
furniture in the Executive Mansion.........................
No. 451. An act to repeal section twenty of article four
of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled " Baltimore
City," sub-title Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
and to re-enact the same with amendments...............
No. 452. An act to repeal sections ninety-six to one hun-
dred and nine, inclusive, of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland for Charles county, under the head
of Roads, and to enact the following in lieu .thereof ;
and to provide a Road System for St. Mary's county.....
No. 453. An act to incorporate the Chestnut Summit
Avenue Company................................................
No. 454. An act to aid in construction of works of Inter-
nal Improvements in St. Mary's, Charles and Calvert
counties .............................................................
No. 455. An act to confer upon the Lumber, Mining,
Manufacturing and Improvement Company of Allegany
county, the authority to erect and maintain a boom or
booms, with piers and necessary appurtenances, upon
the Great Savage River, in Allegany county, from the
National turnpike road to or near the junction of said
river with the north branch of the Potomac river......
No. 456. An act to amend the act of January session,
eighteen hundred and sixty-four, chapter three hundred
and thirty-four, entitled " An act to incorporate the
Washington County Railroad.".......................