No. 69. An act to repeal section fifty-five of article twenty-
two of the Code of Public Local Laws, of Worcestei
county, relating to the number of Justices of the Peace
and Constables, and to re-enact the same with amend-
ments, so as to read as follows.................................
No. 70. An act to repeal section first of the act passed
March twenty- third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven,
chapter one hundred and eighty-seven, entitled " An
act to limit the amount of stationary furnished to mem-
bers and officers of the General Assembly, and tc
provide a system of commutation, and to re-enact in
lieu of section first, so repealed, the following............
No. 71. An act for the relief of William H. Peake and
David White, of Anne Arundel county....................
No. 72. An act to authorize the Comptroller and Trea-
surer, when ascertaining the amount of paid up sub-
scriptions to the capital stock of the Queen Anne's and
Kent County Railroad Company, to estimate the bonds
of Queen Anne's county as cash, at a specified rate
per cent...................................................
No. 73. An act authorizing the County Commissioners of
Cecil county to build a Bridge over Scotchman's Creels
in said county.......................................
No. 74. An act to incorporate the Opake Zinc Company..
. 98
No. 75. An act to protect Foxes, whilst pursued by dogs,
in Wicomico county.............................................
No. 76. An act. to repeal sections seventy-five and seven-
ty-six of article twenty-one, Public Local Laws, relating
to the town of Clearspring, in Washington county, and
to re-enact the same with amendments, so as to read as
No. 77. An act to repeal the act of eighteen hundred
and sixty seven, chapter (235) two hundred and thirty-
five, entitled "An act to repeal section thirty-nine of
article nineteen of the Code of Public Local Laws,
relating to the County Commissioners for Somerset
county, and to re-enact the said section thirty-nine of
article nineteen of the Code of Public Local Laws, rela-
ting to the County Commissioners for Somerset County.