teen hundred and sixty-four, sixty-five, sixty-six
and sixty-seven, Journal Debates and Proceedings
of the two late Conventions of Maryland.
And the Librarian is hereby authorized to pur-
Authority to
chase missing volumes to fill said list out of the Li-
brary Augmentation Fund ; provided, there are no
extra or surplus copies of the above named books in
the Library.
No. 3.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Senators and Representatives from this
State in the Congress of the United States, are
hereby requested to urge upon that body the pas-
sage of such laws as honor, justice and the true
policy of the country demand, in fully securing to
all naturalized citizens the same rights of person
and property, both at home and abroad, which
are now possessed by the native born.
Copy to be
Resolved, That a copy of the above resolution be
forwarded by the proper officer to each of our Sen-
ators and Representatives in Congress.
No. 4.
to demand.
Resolved ly the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Comptroller be directed to make a de-
mand upon all such banking institutions, as were
incorporated by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, and which banks subsequently to obtaining
such charters, became banking associations, under
the Act of Congress, for all sums required by the