any issue of fact in said case, which issue shall be
sent to a court of law for trial, and the complainant
may require, by said bill or by another bill, the
officers of such corporation to discover, under oath,
who are indebted to said corporation, and the
amount and consideration of such indebtedness,
and for the purpose of such discovery, all or any
of the officers of said corporation may be made
defendants, and any of the parties in said causes
shall be entitled to an appeal, as allowed in cases
in equity ; and the said bill may be filed in the
Circuit Court of any county in which any of the
directors of such corporation reside, or in the
county in which said corporation last had its
principal office or place of business, or in the Cir-
cuit Court of Baltimore city, if any of said direc-
tors there reside, or if said corporation last had
in said city its principal office or place of business.
Known by
Sec. 215. And be it enacted, That it shall be
sufficient in any suit, pleading or process, either
at law or in equity, or before any Justice of the
Peace, by or agaiust any joint stock company or
association, to describe the said joint stock com-
pany or association by the name or title by which
it is commonly known, or by or under which its
business is transacted.
Act applica-
ble to all cor-
Sec. 216. And be it enacted. That all corporations
heretofore formed under the general laws of this
State, relating to corporations, or under any spe-
cial law, are hereby declared to be entitled to the
benefit of and to be subject to all the regulations
in this Act, contained for the government of the
corporation herein referred to, so far as the same
be applicable to said several corporations here-
tofore formed as aforesaid ; and shall also have
the benefit and be subject to the processes, reme-
dies or proceedings, by this Act authorized to be
taken by or against the corporations herein re-
ferred to, so far as the same be applicable to the
several corporations heretofore formed as aforesaid.
Interest in
Sec. 217. And be it enacted, That no railroad
or mining company, formed or organized under any
of the provisions of this State, or which have organ-
ized under any existing laws, charter or Act of
the General Assembly of this State, shall own,