by the charter, certificate or amended certificate of
incorporation of said corporation, or not by law
allowed to be assumed or exercised by said corpo-
ration, and in the same manner, and by like au-
thority, a bill may be filed to restrain any indi-
vidual from exercising any corporate rights,
privileges or franchises not granted to them by
any law of this State ; and such bill, when filed
against a corporation, shall be filed in the Circuit
Court of Baltimore city, if the principal office or
place of its business operations of said corporation
shall be located therein, or in the Circuit Court of
the county in which the principal office or place of
its business operations of said corporation shall be
located ; and if the said bill is filed against any
individual, it shall be filed in the city or county in
which some one of the individuals sought to be re-
strained may reside ; and upon the filing of any
such bill, the court in which it shall be filed shall
have power to issue the injunction either before or
after hearing, and under and on such terms as it
may prescribe, and generally shall have and exer-
cise all the powers of a court of equity over the
subject matter of said bill, and all provisions of
the laws of this State relating to the granting, con-
tinuing or dissolving of injunctions in other cases,
and providing for appeals to the Court of Appeals,
which may be applicable, shall apply to proceed-
ings had under this section.
Bill to re-
Sec. 185. And be it enacted, That whenever any
corporation in this State shall have been deter-
mined by legal proceedings to be insolvent, it shall
be deemed to have surrendered its corporate rights,
privileges and franchises, and may be adjudged to
be dissolved, after a hearing according to the prac-
tice of courts of equity in this State, upon a bill
filed for that purpose in the Circuit Court of Bal-
timore City, if the principal office of said corpora-
tion is located therein, or in the Circuit Court oi
any county, if the principal office or place of busi-
ness of said corporation be therein located, or il
the certificate of its incorporation be recorded
therein, and such bill may be filed by any stock-
holder, shareholder or creditor of said corporation
or by the Attorney General of the State of Mary-
land, or by the State's Attorney of the city or
county in which the principal office of said corpo
Insolvent to