thence down the Hillen Road to Woodburn Avenue,
thence binding on the south side of said Avenue to
the York Road, thence binding on the York Road
Metes and
to the old Powder Mill Road at Govanstown Hotel,
thence up the Powder Mill Road to Lake Avenue,
thence with said Avenue to Charles Street Avenue,
and thence binding on Charles Street Avenue to
the place of beginning ; and the place of voting
in said Pricinct number one shall be Cold Spring
Hotel on the York Turnpike; and Precinct num-
ber two of said Ninth Election District to be con-
tained within the metes and bounds following, to
wit: beginning at a point where Charles Street
Avenue leaves the city limits, thence binding on
the west side of said Avenue to Lake Avenue,
thence running westerly with said Avenue to the
Falls Turnpike, thence up the said pike to the
Northern Central Railroad, thence running down
the Northern Central Railroad to the city boundary
line, and thence with the city boundary line to the
place of beginning ; and the place of voting in
said Precinct number two shall be Hampden
Village on the Falls Turnpike ; and Precinct num-
ber three of said Ninth Election District shall
comprise all of said Ninth Election District not
included within the bounds of the above described
Precincts number one and two, and the place of
voting in said Precinct number three shall be
Metes and
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the Eleventh
District of Baltimore County be divided into two
Election Precincts with the following metes and
bounds, that is to say : Precinct number one of the
Eleventh Election District shall comprise all that
part of said District lying to the north of the
Great Gunpowder river, and the place of voting
in said Precinct number one shall be Wright's
Tavern, on the Harford Road ; and Precinct num-
ber two of said Eleventh Election District shall
comprise all that part of said District lying to the
south of the Great Gunpowder river, and the place
of voting in said Precinct number two shall be
Henry's Old Tavern, near Brook's.
Metes and
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the Twelfth
Election District of Baltimore County be divided
into three Election Precincts with the following