AN ACT supplemental to an Act entitled "An
Act to incorporate a Company to make a Turn-
pike road from Ellicott city to Elysville, in How-
ard County," passed at the January Session,
eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, Chapter three
hundred and sixty-one.
Erect toll-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That so soon as the Company named
in the original Act, to which this is a supplement,
shall have made so much of the contemplated road
as will be when made between the point of begin-
ning, on the Frederick Turnpike Road, and when
the same will intersect 'the old Frederick Road,
and the same shall have been reported to the Gov-
ernor in the mode prescribed by the eighth Section
of said original Act, and received and examined
and reported upon in the affirmative as therein di-
rected, then the Governor shall, by license, under
his hand and the seal of the State, permit and
suffer the said Company to erect and place such
and so many gates thereon as will be necessary
and sufficient to collect the tolls and duties granted
to said Company by said Act, from all persons
using the same with horses, cattle, wagons, carts,
carriages and other vehicles, sheep and hogs.
Released from
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That when said Com-
pany shall have made such portion of said road,
they shall be released from all obligation to make