by the Treasurer, on the warrant of the Comp-
troller, to the Board of Trustees of the State
Normal School, and to be applied to the payment of
teachers' salaries and the purchase of educational
apparatus, for the salary of the Principal of the
Normal School, for text books, stationery, fuel,
light and other incidental expenses of the school.
How applied.
Sec. 9. All donations or bequests of money or
personal property, and all grants or devises of
lands for the benefit of the State Normal School
shall be held in trust by the Trustees of the
Normal School.
Donations or
Sec. 10. All male students of the State Normal
School shall be taught military tactics, embracing
the manual for infantry, and the school of the
company and battalion, to qualify them to intro-
duce a proper system of military instruction in
Public Schools and High Schools of the State.
Military tac-
Sec. 11. The Adjutant General of the State
shall, upon requisition from the Trustees of the
State Normal School, furnish to the State Normal
School such arms and equipments as may be
needed for the use of the students.
Sec. 12. The Principal of the State Normal
School shall have the general supervision of all
the Public Schools in the State.
General su-
Sec. 13. He shall on or before the fifteenth day
of January in each and every year make a report
to the Governor of the condition of the schools of
the State, a statement of the apportionment of
money to the counties and the city of Baltimore
for the support of schools, an abstract of the re-
ports received from County School Commissioners,
and shall make such suggestions for the improve-
ment of schools and the advancement of public
education as he shall deem expedient.
Report to
Sec. 14. And the Governor shall cause 3,000
copies of said report to be printed and distributed
to the members of the Legislature in those years
in which there is no session of the Legislature.
Print report.
Aids and Encouragement to Education.
SECTION 1. Educational information and instruc-
tion shall be issued to teachers and others by the
School Jour-