Sec. 33. And be it enacted, That all oysters in
the shell disposed of in the State of Maryland,
shall be measured in a sealed measure of any ca-
pacity, from half a bushel to twenty-five bushels,
that may be agreed upon between the seller and
purchaser; provided, that said measure or mea-
sures shall contain in quantity for each bushel
thereof, according to the following dimensions,
that is to say, sixteen and a half inches across
from iaside to inside at the bottom, eighteen inches
across from inside to inside at the top, and twenty-
one inches diagonal from the inside chime to the
top, and the same shall be even or struck measure.
Shall be
measured .
Sec. 34. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the purchaser or seller to have said mea-
sure or measures, duly inspected and sealed by the
proper officers, under a forfeit of fifty dollars for
each and every offense, to be recovered before any
Justice of the Peace, by action of debt in the name
of the State of Maryland, one-half to go to the in-
former, and the other half to the use of the State.
Sec. 35. And be it enacted, That all oysters sold
in the city of Baltimore shall be measured by a
sworn measurer, who shall receive for his services
one cent per bushel, to be paid equally by the
purchaser and seller.
Sec. 36. And be it enacted, That the sworn
measurers as aforesaid shall take out a license to
authorize them to measure said oysters, from the
Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in the city of
Sec. 37. And be it enacted, That they shall make
oath before said Clerk, that they will faithfully
and impartially discharge the duties of measurer
of oysters, as between purchaser and seller thereof,
and shall pay the sum of fifty dollars for said li-
cense, and the further sum of fifty cents to said
Clerk for issuing the same.
Sec. 38. And be it enacted, That the revenue
arising from the sale of said licenses shall be paid
to the Comptroller of the Treasury to be placed to
the credit of the oyster fund.
Sec. 39. And be it enacted, That the sum of
twenty-two thousand dollars is hereby appropri-
ated to purchase a suitable steam vessel and two
tenders to be propelled by steam, sails, oars or
Vessels to be