salaries of its officers, eight thousand dollars ; for
the support of the Maryland ' Penitentiary, ten
thousand dollars ; to the House of Refuge, fifteen
thousand dollars ; to the Rev. Edward Brenan,
for the use of St. Edward's Academy in the City
of Cumberland, to be applied to the support and
education of free scholars of said academy, three
thousand dollars ; to the Home of the Friendless,
five thousand dollars; to St. Vincent's Infant
Asylum in the City of Baltimore, fifteen hundred
dollars ; to the House of the Good Shepherd in the
City of Baltimore, fifteen hundred dollars ; to St.
Agnes Hospital, the sum of three thousand dol-
lars ; to Children's Aid Society of Baltimore City,
five hundred dollars ; to the Baltimore Orphan
Asylum, two thousand dollars ; St. Mary's Indus-
trial School, ten thousand dollars.
For the payment of the interest on the public
debt of this State, that is to say, this interest fall-
ing due quarterly on the currency debt, the inter-
est on the balance of the Bounty Loan outstanding,
and the interest on the Sterling debt falling due
semi-annually, and payable in London, including
the cost of exchange, remittance and commission,
six hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars ; for
the payment of the interest on the bonds of the
Annapolis, and Elkridge Railroad Company, is-
sued in eighteen hundred and forty-six and eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-four, one thousand dollars.
Bounty loan,
For the night watchmen of Public Buildings,
six hundred dollars each — twelve hundred dollars ;
to the person em'ployed to take charge of the Pub-
lic Buildings, five hundred and forty dollars ; to
the Keeper of the Steam House and Record Office
furnace, six hundred dollars ; to the Assistant
Keeper of the Steam' House and Record Office
furnace, five hundred and forty dollars ; to the
person employed to attend the room of the Court
of Appeals, one hundred dollars ; to a messenger
for the Governor, seven hundred dollars ; for the
salary of the State Vaccine agent, provided thai