duties herein set forth ; and in case of vacancy or
vacancies in said Board of Commissioners by
death, resignation or refusal to serve or removal
from the County, it shall be the duty of the
County Commissioners of said county to appoint
others to fill such vacancy or vacancies.
Sub-Sec. 3. The said Board of Commissioners
herein appointed shall proceed as soon after their
organization as possible to determine and define
the limits and bounds of said Election Districts,
and shall designate the place for holding elections
in each of said Election Districts, provided, that
the concurrence of five of said Commissioners shall
be necessary to determine the number or bounds
and limits of such districts, and the place for
holding elections in the same.
Sub-Sec. 4. Upon the adoption of any such di-
vision of said county into Election Districts, if the
lines dividing the same be not public roads or
streams of water, the said Commissioners shall
cause such lines of division to be run, marked and
laid down upon plats thereof under their direction
or the direction of a majority of them, and they
shall return to the County Commissioners of said
county a full and accurate description, in writing,
of the boundaries of each of said Election Districts,
with any plat or plats of the dividing lines of said
districts, if any such are run, with the place for
holding elections in each of said districts desig-
nated, and the said County Commissioners shall
cause the same to be duly recorded among their
Divide dis-
proceedings, and shall cause notice thereof to be
given by publication in some newspaper published
in said county, and by advertisements set up at
each of the places for holding elections in said
districts, and at the Court House door, on or before
the first day of August next.
Give notice.
Sub-Sec. 5. The present Officers of Registration
in said county shall continue to discharge the
duties of the office for the new district in which
they may be located by such division. Such
Officers of Registration, with such others as may
be appointed by the Governor for the remaining
election districts of said county, shall meet in Port
Tobacco, prior to their session, for the purpose of
correcting the lists of voters in the several districts
Registers to