the premises, the powers and duties of the Visitors
of the Jail of Baltimore City shall he such as are
prescribed in and by those Sections of this Article,
Duties of
under the title "Jail," not hereby repealed ; and
provided further, that when the said Mayor and
City Council shall have by ordinance prescribed
the powers and duties of the Visitors of the Jail
of Baltimore City, then, and in that event, the
operation of the Sections of this Article from five
hundred and seventy-one to six hundred, inclusive,
shall cease, and the said Sections from five hun-
dred and seventy-one to six hundred, inclusive,
shall be ipso facto repealed.
Sec. 568. All titles to property of any and every
kind now held by the Visitors of the Jail of Bal-
timore City shall be, and they are hereby trans-
ferred to and vested in the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore to all intents and purposes, and all
powers and privileges heretofore conferred upon
the said Visitors of the Jail of Baltimore City
shall be, and they are hereby conferred upon the
Mayor and City Council aforesaid.
Visitor take
Sec. 569. Each Visitor so appointed shall, before
he proceeds to act, take and subscribe before the
Mayor the oath of office prescribed in the sixth
Section of the first Article of the Constitution.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
Take effect.
take effect from the date of its passage, and that
the said Mayor shall immediately appoint Visitors
as in the case of vacancy under the existing laws
and ordinances.
Approved January 22, 1868.
AN ACT entitled "An Act to amend an Act, en-
titled 'An Act to incorporate the President and
Directers of the Howard Fire Insurance Com-
pany of Baltimore.' "
Perpetual in-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That on and after the passage of
this Act, it shall be lawful for the President and