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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1397   View pdf image (33K)
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STONE—Leave for bill to give pension to Jacob, 499.

Ordered to furnish each member with one copy of
his annual report, 173.


Ordered that the, furnish each member with a
copy of the Constitution, 9 ; ordered to furnish
Reporter of the House such stationery as he may
need, 17 ; a committee requested to inquire of the,
what amount of stationery remained after the
close of the Constitutional Convention, and what
he has done with it, 18 ; ordered to keep the Li-
brary open from 2 to 7, P. M., 61 ; authorized to
forward documents, 1293.

Senate resolutions in relation to furnishing
certain books to the clerk of the Circuit Court,
125 ; second, 280 ; third and passed, 368.

STATE LIBRARY—Senate joint resolution relating to, read
first time, 1245 ; second, 1252.

STATE'S ATTORNEY—See Dorchester county.
STATIONERY—See Act of 1867.

Bill supplementary to Act of 1868, passed Jan.
30th, relating, and adding section thereto, read
first time, 925 ; second, 1109 ; third and passed,

ST. PAUL'S PARISH—Leave for a bill to sanction bequest
to, 55.

STANDIFORD—Senate bill to refund Benjamin, tax collec-
tor, a sum of money, read first time, 234 ; second,
263 ; third and passed, 368.

STEAM AND STEAM ENGINES—Leave for a bill to pro-
vide for the inspection of stationery, 54.

STEYER—Leave for a bill to make valid a bequest of Lydia,
206 ; read first time, 445 ; second, 503; third and
passed, 584 ; returned from Senate, passed, 698.

SUMMONS—Leave for a bill to make it lawful for a Consta-
ble to leave, at parties residence in place of a war-
rant, 155.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1397   View pdf image (33K)
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