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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1336   View pdf image (33K)
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BONIG—Petitiou of Augustus, 90

BOWIE—Hon. Oden, declared duly elected Governor of
Maryland, 27 ; message from Senate asking ap-
pointment of Joint Committee to inform Hon.
Oden, of his election, 33.

BOWMAN—Leave for a hill for the relief of Wm. S., 154 ;
read first time, 175; second, 191; third and passed,

for bill to incorporate the, 233.

BOUNTIES—Senate bill to alter Act of 1867, chapter 156,
relating to, 842 ; second, 990 ; third and passed,

Senate bill to amead Act of 1865, chapter 33,.
relating to, read first time, 842 ; second, 990 ;.
third and passed, 1051.

BROMWELL—Leave for a bill to refund State taxes to
John E., 488.

BOUNDARY LINE—Memorial of John de la Camp in rela-
tion to the, between Maryland and Virginia, read
and referred, 34.

Leave for a bill providing means to furnish the
maps of the survey of the, between Maryland and
Virginia, 36 ; read first time, 262 ; second, 319 ;
third and passed, 469.

Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to
deliver to John de la Camp, for completion, the
unfinished maps relating to the, read first time,
280 ; second, — ; third and passed, 326 ; returned
from Senate, passed, 397.

Message to Senate proposing Joint Committee
to whom to refer the report of the Joint Commit-
tee of 1867, relating to the, between Maryland
and Virginia, 970 ; concurred in by Senate, 1000 ;
report of said Committee, 1146 ; 500 copies of
the report of committee of 1867 ordered to he
printed, 970.

Bill to pay the Joint Committee of last session
to meet committee from Virginia, read first time,
1149 ; second, 1199 ; third and passed, 1200.

Bill to appoint committee of three to meet com-
mittee from Virginia in regard to the, read first
time, 1149 ; second, 1197 ; third and passed, 1198,


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March 30, 1868
Volume 142, Page 1336   View pdf image (33K)
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