which will cause each of you to feel an interest in the others
welfare through life. No heartburnings, or strife, have
marked the career of this body ; words seemingly unkind,
sometimes uttered, without due reflection, in the heat of
debate, were soon regretted and forgotten. I am sure that
no body of equal numbers has ever assembled, in which, the
courtesies of speech, the proprieties of deportment, and that
kind regard for each, others feelings which marks the charac-
ter of a true gentleman, have been more puctiliouslj observed
than is this Assembly. Until the latest moment of my life,
I shall ever regard it as my proudest act, to have been the
Speaker of a body in which have been concentrated so much
worth, intelligence and moral purity.
As we now part, many of us, perhaps, never to meet each
other again on earth, let us carry to our firesides the warm
and attached friendship for each other, which has marked the
session, now about to close, and that our Heavenly Father,
who has kindly watched over us, and over our heloved State
during the storms and perils by which we have been sur-
rounded in the past, may shower his choicest blessings upon
her and upon each of you, shall be my prayer through life.
I now declare this House of Delegates adjourned sine die.
At the conclusion of which,
The hour of 12, midnight, having arrived,
The Speaker declared the House of Delegates of Mary-
land adjourned sine die.
Chief Clerk.