creet of the people, residents in the county where they are to
be chosen one whole year next preceding the election, above
twenty-ono years of age.
The election districts undergo continual legislative change. Few coun-
ties retain the original location. The limits of each district are known to the
citizens thereof. To gratify the curious a tabular statement of the number
of election districts in each county is added below. Allegany county has 10
districts; Anne Arundel county has 7 districts; Baltimore city has 12
wards j Baltimore county has 13 districts; Calvert county has 3 districts;
Caroline county has 3 districts ; Carroll county lias 9 districts j Cecil county
has 4 districts j Charles county has 4 districts; Dorchester county has 8
districts; Frederick county has 14 districts; Harford county has 5 districts ;
Kent county has 3 districts ; Montgomery county has 5 districts ; Prince
George's county has 6 districts ; Queen Anne's county has 5 districts ;
Saint Mary's county has 5 districts; Somerset county has 11 districts j
Talbot county hss 4 districts; Washington county has 8 districts; Wor-
cester county has 7 districts.
Election of
until 1840.
1836, ch. 197.— SEC. 9. That at the election for delegates
to the general assembly, for the December session of the year
of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, and at each
succeeding election for delegates, until after the next census
Five from
city of
shall have been taken and officially promulged, five delegates
shall be elected in and for Baltimore city, and one delegate ia
and for the city of Annapolis, until the promulging of the
census for the year eighteen hundred and forty, when the
city of Annapolis shall be deemed and taken as a part of
Anne Arundel county, and her right to a separate delegation
Five dele-
gates from.
Four dele-
gates from.
shall cease; five delegates in and for Baltimore county ; five
delegates in and for Frederick county, and four delegates in
and for Anne Arundel county, and four delegates ia and for
each of the several counties respectively, herein after mention-
ed, to wit : Dorchester, Somerset, Worcester, Prince George's,
Three dele-
gates from.
Harford, Montgomery, Carroll and Washington ; and three de-
legates in and for each of the several counties respectively,
herein after next mentioned, to wit: Cecil, Kent, dueen Anne's,
Caroline, Talbot, Saint Mary's, Charles, Calvert and Allegany.
Ratio of
after census
of 1840.
SEC. 10. That from and after the period when the next cen-
sus shall have been taken and officially promulged, and from
and after the official promulgation of every second census there-
Ratio of
after, the representation in the house of delegates from the
several counties and from the city of Baltimore, shall be gra-
duated and established on the following basis, that is to say,
every county which shall have ^y the said census, a popula-
tion of less than fifteen thousand souls, federal numbers, shall
be entitled to elect three delegates ; every county having a
population by the said census of fifteen thousand souls, and
less than twenty-five thousand souls, federal numbers, shall
be entitled to elect four delegates ; and every county having
by the said census a population of twenty-five thousand, and