tion of equity business, and the act, entitled, an act for the
transaction of equity business in the county courts of the first
judicial district, be and the same are hereby repealed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
judges of the said court to attend for the transaction of equity
business at the court-houses of the several counties composing
the first judicial district, on such days between the regular
terms of said courts as shall be appointed by the said court;
and the said days shall be appointed at the term of each county
court next after the passage of this act.
when to at-
tend to
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said judges shall hold,
exercise and practice, all the powers and authorities and juris-
diction, which the county courts now hold, exercise and practise,
under the several acts of assembly relating to the equity juris-
diction of the several courts of this state.
May exer-
cise powers,
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
judges of the said district, from time to time, to hold adjourned
terms of the said equity courts in the said district, at such times
to be by them appointed, as shall be necessary for the transac-
tion of the business of the said court, as often as the state of the
docket may require the same, so that each and every cause
remaining on the trial docket at the end of the term of such
court, may be tried, or otherwise disposed of, according to law.
AN ACT relating to the owners and occupants of the Shad, Herring, and
Ale-wife Fisheries in any of the waters of this State.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be the duty
of the clerk of any county court in this state, and he is hereby
authorized and required, upon application being made by any
person within his county, to grant a license for two calehdar
months to sell spirituous liquors, and other articles, during the
season for catching said fish, provided the owner or occupant of
such fisheries shall be engaged in catching said fish for sale.
Clerks may
grant li-
censes to
liquors, &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said clerks shall charge
and receive for such license the sum of six dollars, and such
license shall be granted in the same manner, and upon the same
conditions, as are now prescribed by law.
Charge for
granting it.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the clerks of the several
county courts in this state, and the clerk of the city court of
Baltimore, be and they are hereby authorized and required,
upon application, to grant a license to sell spirituous liquors at
any horse-race, or militia muster, and the said clerk shall charge
and receive three dollars for each and every day such license is
Also for
horse races,