SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of the western
shore be and he is hereby authorized, to appoint a proper and
suitable clerk, to be employed under his direction and responsi-
bility, in the treasury, and to assist the said treasurer in the
discharge of his duties, who shall, before he proceeds to act as
such, take an oath well and faithfully to execute the duties of
his office as clerk to the treasurer of the western shore, which
shall be administered by any justice of the peace of Anne
Arundel county.
appoint a
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said clerk shall receive
a salary of five hundred dollars per annum, and the treasurer of
the western shore is hereby directed to pay the said salary, to
the said clerk, in quarterly payments, on the first days of Janu-
ary, April, July and October, out of any money in the treasury
not otherwise appropriated.
Modified by 1834, ch. 229.
His salary.
AN ACT for accelerating and effectuating Proceeding upon Writs of Manda-
mus, and for facilitating and determining the rights of Offices and Fran-
chises in Corporations.
WHEREAS, divers charters have been granted by the authority
of this legislature, and divers persons have taken upon them-
selves, or may hereafter take upon themselves, to execute offices
under the same; and where such offices are annual, it hath
been, or may be, found impracticable, by the laws now in force,
to bring to trial and determine the right of such persons to such
offices, or any matter or thing touching the conduct or agency
of such persons within the year ; and where such offices are
not annual, it hath been, or may be, difficult to try and deter-
mine the right of such persons to such offices before they have
done divers acts injurious to the interests of individuals, and
prejudicial to the state: And whereas, divers persons, who had,
or may have, a right to such offices, have been, or may be, ille-
gally ousted, or have been or may be refused to be admitted
thereto: And whereas, the only remedy in such cases may be
by writ or writs of mandamus, the proceedings on which are
dilatory and expensive; therefore,
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the first day of May next, where any writ
of mandamus shall issue out of any of the courts of this state,
such person or persons, who by law is or are required to make
return to such writ, shall make his or their return to the first
writ of mandamus, any law or usage to the contrary notwith-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That from and after the first day
of May next, as often as in any of the cases aforesaid, or in
Writ of
issuing out
of any
court, re-
turn to be
made to the
first writ.