AN ACT to repeal an Act, entitled, an additional Supplement to an Act,
entitled, an Act respecting the Equity Jurisdiction of the County Courts
of this State.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act, entitled, an additional supplement to an act, enti-
tled, an act respecting the equity jurisdiction of the county
courts of this state, passed at December session eighteen hun-
dred and twenty-seven, chapter forty-seven, be and the same is
hereby repealed.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act for the Amendment of the
Law, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and eleven, chapter
one hundred and sixty-one.
See original law, and 1829, ch. 166.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall and may be lawful for any sheriff, or other officer,
who shall have lawfully arrested any person in virtue of any
attachment or capias, and permitted such person to go at large
after such arrest, at any time before or on the return day of
such attachment or capias, or during the term of the court to
which the same is or shall be returnable, again to arrest such
person .in virtue of the same attachment or capias, for the pur-
pose of producing such person before the court, judge or justice,
before whom such capias or attachment shall be returnable ;
and such second arrest shall be as available and justifiable in
law as the original or first arrest, and the officer making such
second arrest, shall have the same power and right to detain or
hold to bail the person so arrested, as he had, or could have
had, in virtue of the first service of such capias or attachment,
any thing in any law, usage or custom, to the contrary not-
Persons ar-
rested and
to go at
large, may
be again
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if such sheriff or officer
shall produce the body of such person, so arrested, on the
return day of such attachment or capias, or during the term of
the court to which the writ is or may be returnable, then and
in such case the said sheriff, or other officer, shall not be liable
for any intermediate escape, and such sheriff or other officer,
shall in such cases, be taken and adjudged to have complied
with the said attachment or capias, any law to the contrary not-
withstanding ; and if such sheriff or other officer, shall be sued
for an escape in any such cases, such sheriff, or other officer,
may give this act in evidence under the general issue.
On produ-
cing body
on return
day, sheriff
not liable,