A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act relative to Justices of the
Peace, and for other purposes, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and fifteen,* chapter eighty- two.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That nothing contained in the original act to which this is a
supplement, shall be taken or construed ad to authorize the
clerk of any county court in this state, to charge for the filing
or recording of any magistrate's docket, or other papers that
may be deposited with him as directed in first section of the
original act to which this is a supplement.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That nothing contained in this
act shall be so taken or construed as to prevent the clerk of
any county court from charging his fees for any transcript that
he may be called on for.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT,* entitled, an Act for the establishment of
Vestries for each Parish in this State.
1798, ch.
WHEREAS, experience has shewn that associated rectorships,
as provided for by the sixteenth section of the act to which this
is a supplement, are not in all cases expedient,
Be it therefore enacted, by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That from and after the passage of this act, it shall and
may be lawful for the vestry of any parish, or church, or united
churches or congregations within this state, where the ministra-
tions of two or more clergymen may be deemed necessary or
convenient, to elect and call such clergymen, or any of them,
either as rector, associate minister, or assistant minister, or by
such other appellation as said vestry may think advisable, and
designate the powers and duties to be exercised and discharged
by such clergymen, or any of them.
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act for the more effectual pro-
tection of Public Worship in this State, passed at December session,
eighteen hundred and twenty -four, chapter fifty- three.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That so much of the second section of the original act, to
which this is a supplement, as requires any justice of the peace
and constable, with two or more freeholders, to seize and take
possession of the forfeited property, be and the same is hereby
repealed ; and that it shall be lawful for any justice of the
peace or constable, with one or more freeholders, to act 5 and
that in addition to the forfeiture mentioned in the said seclion,
any person or persons offending against the provisions of the
Act of 1824,
ch. 53.