AH ACT prohibiting all masters of ships or vessels, or any other person,
from transporting or conveying away any person or persons out of this
province, without passes.
The first section prohibits the departure of an inhabitant from the pro-
vince, unless under a passport granted by the governor, obtained in conse-
quence of previous public notice. The second section renders a master of
a ship who shall transport an inhabitant from the province, without such a
passport, liable to pay all the debts due from the person so transported.
The fourth section restrains from conveying over the Susquehanna, Po-
comoke, or Potomac rivers, any person without such passport; or a pass
from two justices of the peace, and renders the party so assisting, respon-
sible for the debts of the person thus conveyed.
These sections are omitted, as they are now deemed inapplicable to our
present advanced social and political condition. |
SEC. 3. And, every such person as aforesaid as shall transport
or convey away out of this province any servant or servants,
being servants here by condition for wages, indenture, or
custom of the country, shall be liable to pay and satisfy unto
the master or owner of such servant or servants so carried
away, all such damages as he or they shall make appear to be
justly due to such master or owner, for want of such servants,
as the court before whom such cause shall be tried shall
think fit. |
Penalty for
&c. |
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, by the authority, advice and
consent aforesaid, That whatsoever person or persons shall
from henceforth entice, transport, or secretly carry or send
away out of this province, any apprentice, or other servants or
slaves belonging to any inhabitant in this province, shall, for
every such offence, forfeit and pay to the employer or owner of
such apprentice, or other servant or slave, treble damages and
costs, to be adjudged by the justices of each respective county
court, or the justices of the provincial court, for the time of
such apprentices, or other servants or slaves, unlawfully being
transported or carried away as aforesaid.
See 1753, ch. 9; 1748, ch. 19; 1793, ch. 45; 1780, ch. 24; 1824, ch.
85; 1818, ch. 157.
AN ACT for Limitation of certain actions, for avoiding suits at law.
Supplementary and other acts are 1715, ch. 46; 1729, ch. 24, 25;
November, 1765, ch. 12; February, 1777, chap. 15; October, 1778, ch. 21;
October, 1780, ch. 5; April, 1782, ch. 65; 1784, ch. 65; 1785, ch. 10;
1786, ch. 18; 1789, ch. 26; 1807, ch. 151 ; 1812, ch. 191 ; 1814, ch. 122;
1818, ch. 90; ch. 216; 1821, ch. 200; 1833, ch. 258. |
Penalty for
&c. |
FORASMUCH as nothing can be more essential to the peace
and tranquillity of this province than the quieting the estates of
the inhabitants thereof, and for the effecting of which no better
2 |
Preamble. |