their office or offices, from and after the commencement of the
operation of this act, than those herein after rated, regulated,
limited and allowed, by the following tables of fees, which shall
be construed agreeably to the fair, literal and evident import
thereof, according to the plain and common acceptation of terms,
the true intent and obvious meaning of this act; and if any such
officer or officers, his or their ministers, deputies or servants,
shall charge, demand, ask, receive or take, of any person or per-
sons, directly or indirectly, any other or greater fees, which shall
arise or become due for services rendered in virtue of their
respective offices, from and after the commencement of the
operation of this act, than are herein after prescribed, regulated,
limited and allowed, as aforesaid, every such person or persons
so offending, shall, upon conviction thereof by the verdict of a
jury, or on confession, or otherwise, forfeit and pay a sum not
exceeding one hundred dollars, current money, in the discretion
of the court, for every such offence, one-half thereof for the use
of the informer, and the other half to the use of the state, to be
recovered, with costs, by presentment or indictment in any of
the courts of this state, holding and exercising original jurisdic-
tion in criminal cases, where the offence shall have happened
or been committed ; Provided, that all prosecutions or suits for
any breach or violation of the provisions of this act, or for
the recovery of any fine, penalty or forfeiture, hereby imposed,
shall have been commenced and instituted at any time within
one year from and after the period, when such breach or viola-
tion may have occurred, or the fact alleged shall have been
To the
clerks of
the court of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That from and after the corn
mencement of the operation of this act, there shall be limited
and allowed to the clerk of the court of appeals, for the western
and eastern shores of this state, respectively, the following fees,
which may thereafter arise or become due for services rendered
in virtue of their said offices, and no more, that is to say :
For filing a record on appeal or writ of error, or any other
paper, matter or thing, required to be filed, to be charged
but once, 5
For the docket entry of an appearance of each individual
party in any suit or action, whether plaintiff or defen-
dant, appellant or appellee, in proper person or by at-
torney, 5
For the docket entry of every imparlance or continuance, 5
For the docket entry of every rule, motion, leave or order
of court, 5
For the docket entry of assignment of errors or joinder
thereto, and of relicta verificatione, . 5