AN ACT making certain Chancery Record therein mentioned Evidence.
WHEREAS, at December session 1825, the general assembly
passed the following resolutions : 'Resolved, That the governor
and council be and they are hereby authorized and required, to
take under their superintendance, the papers remaining unre-
corded in the chancery office, and which should have been
placed on record by Samuel H. Howard, Nicholas Brewer,
James P. Heath, and Thomas H. Bowie, esquires, late regis-
ters in chancery. Resolved) That the governor and council be
and they are hereby authorized and required, to cause such of
said papers, as are required by law to be recorded, to be regis-
tered as soon as may be, in proper books to be procured for that
purpose, and that such books of registry, after they are com-
pleted, be deposited and remain among the archives of said
office:' and whereas the said records have been nearly com-
pleted ; Therefore,
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland^
That all such records, when completed and deposited in the
chancery office, under the foregoing resolutions, shall be, and
they are declared to be evidence, and as such to have the same
authority and effect as other records of the same kind, made
out by the register of the said court of chancery, have.
AN ACT Supplemental to an Act, passed at December Session, eighteen
hundred and twenty-five, chapter one hundred and ninety-nine.
Act to be
given in
charge to
grand juries
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, it shall be the duty of the
judges of the first judicial district of this state, to give the act,
to which this is a supplement, in charge to the grand juries of
the several counties composing the same, at each and every
court to be hereafter held therein.
AN ACT to repeal an Act, entitled, an Act to tax certain Offices, passed at
December Session, eighteen hundred and twenty-three, and the Act to
explain and amend the same, passed at December Session, eighteen
hundred and twenty-four.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act, entitled, an act to tax certain offices, passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-three, chapter
one hundred and forty-six, and the act, entitled, an act to ex-
plain and amend the act, entitled, an act to tax certain offices,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-four,
chapter one hundred and ninety, be and the same are hereby